Recent content by enigmachick

  1. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    So...opinion from a few cycles of cleaning and watching the chicks. I feel like the chicks in the brooders with sand underneath are happier, more active "foraging" and definitely turn over the shavings more, those shavings seem to stay fluffier and cleaner longer than ones with just shavings...
  2. enigmachick

    New Omlet Eglu in Central Illinois

    NEVER USED!!! new but fully assembled. We decided to build an aviary style enclosure instead. THERE HAVE BEEN NO BIRDS KEPT IN THIS COOP RUN OR EVEN YARD, so no concerns there. This is the Omlet Eglu sold for guinea pigs with the 3' run and coop. It was for quail but I want more than initially...
  3. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    I changed the bedding today and have some opinions formulating for sure, but I want to give it another cycle just in case!
  4. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    It's just an attempt to keep from staining the concrete permanently since it's a patio situation :)
  5. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    I am wondering if my impression of the wonderfulness of the shavings is just because shavings are superior to sand or if having the sand underneath is affecting their performance and making them better. As an experiment I have in one brooder the sand under and in another brooder just paper towel...
  6. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    Yes let me clarify 👍🏻 I don't have a picture yet as the raised bed is stored inside since I don't have a roof built yet, but basically it's just a simple raised bed with a plywood bottom over concrete. We built it with 2x6's expecting to use sand, I'm guessing bedding might need something deeper...
  7. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    Yes I think you're right! I'm thinking of this in "dry" terms not wet so I probably did use the wrong terminology there 😂👍🏻 I'm also not sure how often a "deep bedding" situation would need to be fully replaced (except the sand part), maybe I'm just in a honeymoon period with it right now 😂...
  8. enigmachick

    Anyone do deep litter over sand?

    So I was all set to do my (raised bed) run and coop floor out of sand, but using river sand in the brooder WAY disillusioned me with it (awful, every chick's feet matted up with poop, scooping it out 4-5 times a day, COLD even in a warm house). However, when I put some aspen shavings over the...
  9. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    Their heat sources are both brooder plates, they can leave them whenever they like, do you think this could still be causing it? I tried twice putting the chick back, immediately it begins again. I noticed several other chicks have actual bald spots in the middle of their backs now. I am hoping...
  10. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    So, today I got a second brooder all set up (another 5-6sq ft) and put 7 chicks in the new one with the problem chick, (9 in the old one) so they had tons of room. It made no difference, that chick just literally is constantly pecking/pulling feathers from the back of the others. That brooder...
  11. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    That's encouraging, I keep thinking as I get them a bigger space that it will work for a while and a few days later they seem to have outgrown it again! I will try tomorrow to put this one in whichever brooder is the least crowded. I figured I could put it in the incubator for a while (with food...
  12. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    I HAVE found the one causing most of the trouble, it's literally just going up to chick after chick and pecking their back, doesn't seem to be any reason for it but it's scaring the others to death. I've tried "pecking" it and removing it but there's no apparent change in behavior. I've not ever...
  13. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    Ya'll are so fantastic, UPDATE! So the shavings yesterday were a huge success, the quail were SO happy, we've had a ton of fun watching them dig and peck and burrow through the shavings, they're like kids at Christmas. They like to dig little bathing holes to the sand and dust bathe then snuggle...
  14. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    I figured, they grow like crazy! I have another feeder and brooder plate being shipped so they can be split into two tubs. I had no idea they would be so much expense, work and fun, I can watch them for hours!
  15. enigmachick

    Brooder bedding foot issues

    OK, I put every single one in a tub with silicone shelf liner non-slip and shallow water to walk around for a few minutes and it did absolute wonders with their feet, they're not perfect but vastly vastly better!!! I think if I had put sand in there it may have worked better but I didn't want to...
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