Recent content by EP Rabbitry and Homestead

  1. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Bourbon Red Turkeys, several questions

    Thank you so much for the information! I realize my mistake in calling them chicks, when I advertise they are poults. Turkeys are very quirky and just when I think I have them figured out, they do something to throw me off again! We don't supply artificial light and are on the east coast...
  2. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Bourbon Red Turkeys, several questions

    Beginning in March 2022, I bought bourbon red turkey chicks from my local feed store. When they reached about the 6-month old mark, my hens started to lay eggs. This was in early fall, and we only got one once in awhile. By the end of October, we had collected enough eggs to incubate, which...
  3. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Bourbon Red Turkey - bump on its wattle

    It does not. It almost feels like a chicken hen's crop when it is normally full. Its about the size of a nickel.
  4. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Bourbon Red Turkey - bump on its wattle

    I have a Bourben Red Turkey, approx. 12 weeks old, that developed a "bump" on its wattle. I have felt it and it feels squishy and doesn't seem to be bother it. I am wondering what it could be, and if I need to do anything to it. See pics.
  5. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Official BYC Poll: Do Your Chickens Go Inside Their Coop When It Snows?

    Mine won't come out of the coop with snow on the ground!
  6. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Does anyone weigh their eggs?

    I don't typically weigh every egg I bring in, but if one looks unusually large, I will weigh. The biggest has been 2.7 oz, until today. Today, I got a huge one at 2.9 oz. I have RIR's and Golden Comets. Usually, the comets lay smaller brown eggs and the RIR's are larger but lighter brown...
  7. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Official BYC Poll: Which Challenges Did You Face in Getting Backyard Chickens?

    OTHER - Finding someone who sold RIR's, which were the breed we were looking for.
  8. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Any Rabbit Breeders/Owners Here at BYC?

    Thanks! They love carrots so I have been going out and holding the carrot for her and she does come to eat it from my hand. Its a start!
  9. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Any Rabbit Breeders/Owners Here at BYC?

    That's what I was told. We got them on Aug. 24.
  10. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    Any Rabbit Breeders/Owners Here at BYC?

    Questions: 1) How many rabbits do you own? We have 2 2) How long have you had rabbits? Or Rabbit? Brand new owners, just got them in August 3) What's your top favorite breed? I don't have a favorite, but my husband wants to get into New Zealands 4) Why did you get your rabbit(s)? My...
  11. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    The Story Behind She Shed Acres

    I never had or knew anything about chickens until March 2021. My husband had been talking for months about getting chickens. He even worked over the winter to transform an old hunting shed into a chicken coop. He was firm on what breed he wanted - Rhode Island Reds. This was due to their...
  12. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    New Chicken Owner from West Virginia

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes! I have found so many articles and posts here that have been extremely helpful in my chicken venture!
  13. EP Rabbitry and Homestead

    New Chicken Owner from West Virginia

    Greetings. I am a new chicken owner in Harpers Ferry, WV. I started out with 6 RIRs, the a neighbor offered us 4 Golden Comets. We then got a RIR Too, and have now started to dabble in incubation and raising chicks. I am sure I will have lots of questions as we venture on our journey, Kelly
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