Recent content by ericsgirlie

  1. ericsgirlie

    Need Help!!! Our County is trying to make unrealistic backyard poultry farming laws

    What points can we make to build a case that this is wrong? If you want to sign the petition, you can do so here and even comment on why this is wrong. SIGN PETITION!
  2. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Is the yellow the yoke?
  3. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Still alive, I think I do see some veins, I think. It is hard to see through the membrane.
  4. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    They are not bulging? Should I give it til mining? And see or what should I do? i am going to take pictures
  5. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    I think it was way early from the others.
  6. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    I think there are still some veins.
  7. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    I am going to go to bed and hope for best. I will get up at 3 and check progress. So sad:(
  8. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Absolutely not in airsac! Ithought it was by candling but no peeping :(
  9. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    How do you tell if there is blood in the membrane? Baby is still alive and the hen is cooperative
  10. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Yes read both, one was too late! Paper towel was hot. Baby is still alive! It is hard to tell about blood, but yes, a little I think
  11. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    :( I thought it had internal pipped . All otherers hatched 2 days ago. It looked like it but no peeping. I broke the air ask to find it has not broken through I hope I have not killed this baby. I wrapped it in warm wet napkini and stuck it back under the hen. It will be a miracle baby if it...
  12. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    What article lol
  13. ericsgirlie

    Duckling hatch Help

    Our Cayuga hatched 6 babies and one egg was pushed to the side. Our broody chicken it. It is still Alize and there is an external pip but not in the air sac. This happened yesterday. There is movement but no peeping. Do I help?o
  14. ericsgirlie

    Silkie adopts 6 week old chicks, Is this normal?

    It is just so funny, they are almost as big as she is and she never saw them when they were tiny. I guess it is the tweeting. She was like yea my babies are here :p Crazy bird. She is molting so you looks aweful :p
  15. ericsgirlie

    Silkie adopts 6 week old chicks, Is this normal?

    Our silkie had been sitting on duck eggs that did not make it. Our baby chicks have been in a pen outside for a couple of weeks and we felt they were big enough to be released. We left the door open and the chicks will venture out but pretty much stay inside the pen. This morning, I go out and...
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