Recent content by ewaugaman

  1. ewaugaman

    they just stopped eating

    I have the same brand of chicken feed, it has never changed, they are over a year old, why did they stop eating, they are drinking plenty water, laying about 3-6 eggs a day, what the heck is going on, I have not filled there feeder for several weeks now, I even went out to get fresh food...
  2. ewaugaman

    Is cat food really ok for ducks?

    I would like to know how long to chickens live? They have just started laying again which is good, but my problem is they are not eating there pellets, can someone tell me why is this. I give them meal worms everyday and they just love those, but why are they not eating there pellets. can...
  3. ewaugaman

    funny behavior

    No it is in a dry place, big tote. Thank you so much for your reply
  4. ewaugaman

    funny behavior

    they are proberbly close to 2 years old, and as far as there feed, no I put all my feed in a big tote, I want to use up what I have in there before I get a new bag, do you think that is the reason, maybe it is getting to old. Maybe I should pitch it and put in a new bag. what do you think
  5. ewaugaman

    funny behavior

    My chickens are acting very funny, they have stopped laying eggs, and everyday I go in there coop to feed them, there is usually more feed on the ground then there is in there feeder, why is this? they are wasting most of it. Also I have about three chickens that are molting, is this normal...
  6. ewaugaman

    thank you so much for your information on the ducks, also my chickens have stopped laying, and...

    thank you so much for your information on the ducks, also my chickens have stopped laying, and there are several that are molting, is it something I am doing, they always have water, but it seems like they are wasting there food more and more, there is more in the hay under there feeder most of...
  7. ewaugaman


    My question is I have two ducks and we have been having freezing weather and I can't keep my duck pool from freezing, I try to go out there everyday to break the ice, but sometimes I can't do it because it is so thick with ice. we have snow as well, do the ducks eat snow for water? or can...
  8. ewaugaman


  9. ewaugaman


    they are always free range really I should change there pool water every couple of days. that is a lot of water usage. Thank you
  10. ewaugaman


    thank you so much for your reply, how often do you change your duck pool
  11. ewaugaman


    I still let my chickens out during the day, they go out and scratch, but it is cold out, should I keep them in there coop in the winter time.
  12. ewaugaman


    I have two ducks a male and a female, my question is when she lays an egg in her coop she never sits on them. I left about 10 eggs in there once to see if she will finally go in there to lay on them and she never did so I pulled them. actually I don't need baby ducks so that is really why I...
  13. ewaugaman

    Good Morning

    Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have a question, I have a little bani hen and the Rhode Island Reds pick on her terrible, she has gotten to where she lays in her nest box all the time. I was afraid that she was not getting out of her box to eat or drink so I moved her to...
  14. ewaugaman

    egg shelling

    Good morning to my friends out there. Here is a question I need answered. I get 7 eggs a day I have 7 chickens in the chicken coop, my question is I am having a terrible time pealing fresh eggs, if there is anyone out there that can tell me how I can peel the egg I sure would appreciate it...
  15. ewaugaman

    mean hen

    thank you so much, this makes sense and I will give it a very good try that is for sure. Thank you again. Ewaugaman
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