Recent content by famerzellman

  1. famerzellman

    I have isa brown chicks that I got from tractor supply and I need help determining if they are pulle

    I hope this picture helps. My rooster was a white chick then ended up with some red leakage on his feathers as he grew. My hens were all red with some white and then the white went away. 💗
  2. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

    Update: leg is healed!! Good ol massage and popping the tendon back into place. The extra boost of vitamins and rest really helped.
  3. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

  4. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

    Yes I was going to process them but I didn’t know if it could make it to that point or if I have to cull it early.
  5. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

    Thanks I’ll try to doctor it up when I have some help. Will the turkey be able to live with a slipped tendon? And thank you I might of gotten the wording wrong.
  6. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

  7. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

  8. famerzellman

    Limping turkey

    Hi everyone! After raising chickens for the past 8 years I decided to add some turkey poults. They are about 2 to 3 weeks old from good old tractor supply. Today I noticed one of my bronze breasted poult is limping and not sure the cause on how to fix it. Food currently on is 30% Turkey...
  9. famerzellman

    What killed the chicken?

    Thank you so much!
  10. famerzellman

    What killed the chicken?

    I did find some scat it smelled horrid as soon as you got close to where the poop was and looked like cat poop but bigger with maybe some seeds and hair in it.
  11. famerzellman

    What killed the chicken?

    this morning I went to let out my ladies and noticed one dead BIG hen in the yard (3 years old heavy hen). I coop up the ladies every night and I check around to make sure I didn’t miss any (they free range) Well last night I missed her, and something found her. It looks like it was a chase...
  12. famerzellman

    Rabbit hutch to brooder box?

    Where the wire is I would add a boarder on the inside to the shaving in and maybe add some small perches! (Just for the extra!) I think it will work beautifully with adding the floor! What are you going to do for heat?
  13. famerzellman

    sick chicken

    Unfortunately the green poop sometimes means infection, body wasting, or new castle disease. Sometimes we aren’t exactly sure what happens to our chickens, weird stuff just happens. I would make sure that the auction chickens stay away from your existing flock for another 3 weeks just to make...
  14. famerzellman

    Urgent Sick 3 week old! Respitory disease?

    Can you upload a video or picture?
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