Recent content by Fangeddeer

  1. Fangeddeer

    How old is my rescue kitten?

    hello!! Just curious, how old is my kitten perhaps? She has all her baby teeth but I think she might not have all on her bottom jaw ? I can’t really tell bc her teeth are small. She still had her baby blues but had eaten wet food n drank water just fine. She also keeps chewing the heck out of...
  2. Fangeddeer

    Anyone know what kind of frog this is?

    Found this frog in the grass, was so little I kept loosing it when trying to catch it! The underside of its butt was yellow I think if that helps
  3. Fangeddeer

    How far along are these eggs?

    Woke up to find that my duck had eggs, how far along do you think they are? One was cracked so I opened it and it had a yolk inside. So I’m guessing not too far but pretty far. She is not an egg laying duck, and we have a drake.
  4. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    It was my second time ever doing cpr and it’s amazing to see a once lifeless bird be brought back to live a hopefully amazing life
  5. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    The lamp is safe and tied so it can’t fall, I gave her an egg and made a nest and she immediately took to it, I gave her extra stuff incase she felt like fixing it. But for now it’s all okay, other than she seems really upset about me destroying her nest
  6. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    No, they stay with the ducks in the coop. A friend made it when I was little for his button quail but it’s taller than me inside (I’m 6”0) and big enough to fit probably 6 horses or more. so i figure they all get along they can stay together Lol😅
  7. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    My parent said I can’t bring them inside, but they’ll fix the heat lamp. I think I’ll try and make the kennel for them in the shed and keep checking on them?
  8. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    I’ll set down a tarp just incase and it has a gated porch the mom can b in but the kennel isn’t big so I’ll have to figure something out as well. I think for a few hours she’ll be in with the baby and then I’ll let her out on the porch
  9. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    Sadly we don’t have a basement. And where they are outside isn’t close enough to be heard. But, we have another room that’s already a bit messed up from the goats being in there that would possibly be okay? And I’m using wood shaving
  10. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    Should I put the kennel in my room?
  11. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    The other hatch mates died, one was buried under the nest like this one was and cpr didn’t bring it back. The dad mauled two and the last one downed in the yolk of the egg. I ruined the nest to find it but when I found it I immediately did cpr and now it’s okay :,) I could give the mom bedding...
  12. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    Running around, holding up head, jumping n talking but idk what to do?? It keeps running n cuddling with me but it has no siblings at all and I have a brooder but when I brooded a lonely chick it died. But if I give it back to the mom it might die
  13. Fangeddeer

    URGENT, Revived duckling won’t hold up head

    I just revived my ducking whom supposedly got suffocated under the nest, they’re moving everything along with their head but they keep lowering it. Do I continue cpr? Hold the head up? Pls help
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