Recent content by farnk

  1. F

    Not another duck pond post

    Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently decided to get rid of the gravity filtration (settler and bucket filter) and just pump straight into the bog barrel. Have had much better results after doing that. I also don't have to refill as much or worry about overflow draining the pond (nearly...
  2. F

    Question about geese

    Took bandages off today, the wings are straight and the tips don't hang out but they do sag a little, should I keep wrapping them or is that just a lack of muscle development that will fix itself as the wraps are off?
  3. F

    Question about geese

    Hrmm, still no luck in the left wing setting correctly as of this morning.
  4. F

    Question about geese

    Swapped the wraps today, right wing looking good, but the left wing was still inverted. Re-wrapped them both back up (at the protest of the gosling). They ended up taking off the left wrap tonight and pulled out a feather at the same time, I looked it over and couldn't find any active bleeding...
  5. F

    Question about geese

    Nice, yeah I have a few doggy fences. I actually foster puppies (usually litters) so I've got loads of different puppy fencing that I use for all sorts of things like containment, gating, etc. My coop is actually just a rebuilt and repurposed greenhouse with the siding replaced with plywood so...
  6. F

    Question about geese

    Also, I picked up some rooster booster minerals and such for them, and will plan out a divider in the coop for them. So far I've been socializing them with success in the yard with the ducks and haven't had any issues, but will still add a divider into the coop just because it seems like a...
  7. F

    Question about geese

    One very reasonably unhappy gosling later. It's not the prettiest job, but the joint is tucked in and supported by the elbow.
  8. F

    Question about geese

    Got a couple goslings (unsexed) from the local TSC, they're growing up pretty well and I've been introducing them to the adult ducks that I have also with plans on putting them outside permanently with them within the next week or two. Couple of questions though. 1. There is a clear difference...
  9. F

    Options to Clean Duck Pond

    I've yet to find a reliable DC water pump that can handle the suspended solids generated in duckwater. An option you could go is a solar battery bank with an inverter to convert DC to AC and running a low wattage pump. I have a thread documenting my adventure so far in this area...
  10. F

    Not another duck pond post

    I'm not sure I need more turn over. I think what I might need is more physical filtration. From what I understand the key to bog filters is slow water flow. I might add another barrel bog. Edit: Also I eventually am going to add some sort of aqua grow bed along the fence before the bog barrel...
  11. F

    Not another duck pond post

    Pond update: Added the bucket filter before the bog filter, I intend to paint it or get a different bucket though since light passes through this orange one. (No, I still haven't put the top boards on my fence, been too rainy to get out the table saw) Please excuse the mess in advance. Here...
  12. F

    Not another duck pond post

    So I ordered an additional battery, as well as a new pump and an inverter. Now using two 12v 100Ah batteries as my battery bank, wired up in parallel to double the amps, or 1920 watt hours of power factoring 80% DoD. The new pump draws 57W, which should give 33 hours of pump runtime without any...
  13. F

    Not another duck pond post

    Quick google search provides this
  14. F

    Not another duck pond post

    So in light of my third (fourth? I've lost count!) pump burning out. I've accepted that these bilge pumps aren't the thing that I am looking for. I believe I might just invest into a pure sine wave inverter and go the 110/120v route. The pump I am looking at is this...
  15. F

    Injured drake

    I brought him back in last night, gave him a bath. Unfortunately when I got up this morning he had passed away in his kennel. It must have been within the last few hours, as I had checked on him around 5AM when I took my fosters out to potty and he was still fine then.
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