Recent content by FC16

  1. FC16

    Integrating flocks

    A smaller flock would usually mean they’ll establish a pecking order a bit quicker than if there was more. How soon were you planning to integrate, and what’s the size difference between the two flocks? If possible I’d wait until they’re fairly close in size and ideally have them so they can see...
  2. FC16

    6 week old chicks not getting along with 2ish week old chicks.

    They will just have to be separate for a while. There is fair difference in size between a 2 week old and 6 week old chick and it would have been a bit unlikely for them to have got on. You’ll be able to integrate them eventually. You could either wait until they’re of a similar size, or I’d...
  3. FC16

    Do thunderstorms effect egg laying?

    Typically when it rains they’ll usually find some sort of shelter, mine all go under this one bush they found every time. I have the odd few who like to walk around in the rain sometimes for whatever reason. From my experience rain alone doesn’t effect egg laying, and they usually continue as...
  4. FC16

    Molting/Broody at the same time

    Hi, I never actually got to the bottom of why she was so bald and had lost so many feathers. But she definitely lost a lot more whilst she was broody. A lot around her head, tail and vent. In the end I decided against giving her eggs as I thought it would be too much for her and could be...
  5. FC16

    Broody hen

    One of my hens has been going for a few weeks now without sitting on anything at all. She’s so stubborn and almost impossible to break. However I am now trying my hardest to break because as mentioned if they go any longer it can be really dangerous. If you still wanted chicks though you could...
  6. FC16

    Can you give a broody hen extra chicks?

    Like @sourland said, I forgot to mention, the earlier the better. That’s when chances are highest. I’ve seen a lot of stories however from larger flocks where there’s multiple broody hens roaming at the same time and the chicks have swapped hens. It is all down to luck really and what the hen...
  7. FC16

    Can you give a broody hen extra chicks?

    Yes it could work but it’s down to luck really, it’s good you’ve got a backup brooder just incase as there is a chance it may not work. It’s best if the new chicks are the same age as the chicks she has already has or she may figure somethings not right. It’s also best to do it at night as...
  8. FC16

    Laying signs?

    Try reach your hand down to one of them, almost as if you’re going to pick them up. They might squat down, for pullets this usually means they’re going to lay within the next week or two.
  9. FC16

    Pullets not roosting?

    Are you placing them on the roosts at night? Usually if you place them on at night they will stay there as it’s so dark they won’t want to move. As they are still quite young and there’s no older chickens in there with them which they can copy, they most likely just simply don’t know that...
  10. FC16

    Do Leghorns Really Eat Less?

    Reading this thread and think my leghorn may be broken - she eats like a horse 😂😂😂
  11. FC16

    Mites in Broody Coop

    Just make sure you continue to treat the coop daily until those eggs hatch, and regularly check the broodies too, as mentioned the mites will be particularly dangerous to the chicks. But obviously can be dangerous to the hens too, broody hens are more at risk to mites than non-broody hens I’ve...
  12. FC16

    Broody hen barely eating/drinking

    I agree, if you’re able to. Removing her just once each day for her to get some fresh air, food, water and do her business is a lot better for the hen. I’ve found that the more experienced /older hens will mostly take themsleves out once a day but a lot of the time the first-time broodies don’t...
  13. FC16

    One lone chick - what do I do?

    She really does need a friend. But I’d worry that adding 3 more chicks of the same age right now would do more harm than good, given her injury. I don’t think adding a couple younger ones with her would be a bad idea , obviously not too young, but young enough that they wouldn’t be able to harm...
  14. FC16

    Molting/Broody at the same time

    I did think that at first, but I’ve never seen her being picked on before (and we don’t have a rooster) so i have been watching closely and still no signs of bullying. I can’t rule it out obviously as you never know what happens when you’re not around. This whole thing is just baffling me, I’ve...
  15. FC16

    Molting/Broody at the same time

    She’s now sitting on eggs, I won’t class her as broody until she’s been on for a few days. I’m slightly torn, if any of my others went broody right now now I’d give them eggs. But because she’s molting I’m not sure about it… Has anyone had a molting hen go broody?
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