Recent content by featheredroots

  1. featheredroots

    3 week old chicks with bare chests?

    Mine did that too, but they're fine now. I'm thinking that laying on the bedding instead of roosting, rubs their feathers off.
  2. featheredroots

    Not having very good luck with my chicks :(

    We've been giving our two girls Poly Vita Sol. One drop three times a day at first then weaning them off as they improve. Our big girl isn't getting any now, but we also have a tiny girl that is very slow to feather(she's 7 weeks today), so she's getting two drops a day still. I'm sure that...
  3. featheredroots


    We've lost ten chicks this year from two different hatcheries, somethings definitely not right. Thanks to a post by wolftracks, we saved the last two by giving them Poly Vi Sol. You should be able to get it at any pharmacy or grocery store, just make sure it's the iron free kind. We started...
  4. featheredroots

    Not having very good luck with my chicks :(

    I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I don't know what's going on with chicks this year, but we lost 10 altogether. All six of the first batch, from a vitamin deficiency, and 4 of the second batch, from a possible fungal infection. So far the remaining two girls are doing well...
  5. featheredroots

    Is my tiny girl feathered enough to go outside? (Pic heavy)

    We had terrible luck with chicks this year(lost 10 out of 12). Now at seven weeks old my remaining girls are very much enjoying their days in the coop, but hate coming in to the brooder at night. I'd love to leave them out at night but I'm worried that my little girl isn't feathered enough...
  6. featheredroots

    Too Cold for the Coop?

  7. featheredroots

    Too Cold for the Coop?

    It's just barely 60 degrees this morning, and there isn't any sun in the coop or run yet, but my girls are squawking to go out. I only have two, and they're six weeks old, but one is a runt and not fully feathered yet. Will she be too cold?
  8. featheredroots

    Moved chicks to coop - lost one overnight

    Sorry for your loss. Had you been taking them out to the coop during the day? I read somewhere that chicks need to be eased into a big change like moving to the coop, kind of like hardening off plants. Maybe the shock was too much for her. Hopefully the rest will adjust more easily.
  9. featheredroots

    Runt or Roo? (pics attached)

    I know it's hard to tell, and the pics probably aren't the best (I'm still getting used to the new camera), but I'm wondering if our little white EE is a runt or perhaps a small rooster. She's taking a very long time to feather, and is considerably smaller than her Golden Comet sister. I...
  10. featheredroots

    Baby Chicks Keep Dying

    Losing chicks and not knowing why is really aweful, my heart goes out to you. I lost a whole batch of hatchery chicks to what I later discovered was a vitamin deficiency. You might try getting some powdered vitamin mix at your local feed store, and put it in their water, maybe it will help.
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