Recent content by feathermaid

  1. feathermaid

    Can I use just newspaper now that they are five weeks old.

    Plain newspaper would be way ickier than shavings. I like to use stall pellets for younger chicks in the brooder, but shavings are also better than nothing. The only reason to have newspaper or paper towels as the floor would be to help day old chicks learn to eat food instead of the bedding...
  2. feathermaid

    The World of Animals

    You've come to the right place to be among fellow animal lovers. Hope you enjoy sharing your valuable experience and making new friends! "All Creatures Great and Small" reminds me of the books by James Herriot. I've read them all! :love
  3. feathermaid


  4. feathermaid


    I see you already have some experience with chicken math. Best wishes with your beautiful growing flock!
  5. feathermaid

    Hey! Thanks for letting me join :)

    :frow You have a lovely flock! Hope you enjoy being part of our community and sharing your experience :love
  6. feathermaid

    New Member - Town Ordinance Prohibits Chickens

    It sounds like somebody running your town hates chickens and doesn't want anyone to have them. Ten acres is a ridiculous requirement. Have you thought about raising quail? Laws usually aren't as strict for small birds. I wonder if you could get enough signatures on a petition to just overturn...
  7. feathermaid

    New to BYC

  8. feathermaid

    Announcement BYC Updated - Post Questions, Concerns, Issues, & Praise Here!

    Is there a way to get rid of the hideous incredibly annoying red signs littering the forum page? Why are they necessary? This is not a dead forum where someone makes a new post every few days or weeks. Of course there's something new!!! I don't want signs telling me about new posts. Please...
  9. feathermaid

    Thanks everyone! The Spirit badge was truly an unexpected surprise!

    Thanks everyone! The Spirit badge was truly an unexpected surprise!
  10. feathermaid

    Announcement BYC Recognition Medals

    Wow, I'm very honored and so grateful to have received this incredible recognition! I've been away for a month and finally just checked in... what a wonderful surprise! (now I feel terribly guilty for being absent so long!) Thank you for the nomination whoever you are! And much thanks to our...
  11. feathermaid

    IN with the old... OUT with the new!

    lol Board games are so much better than screen time in my book. Guess I'm feeling nostalgic and want my daughter to have some of the same fun family memories I have. Of course my dad was a ruthless opponent and he never let me win and I always cried, but at least he taught me how to strategize...
  12. feathermaid

    IN with the old... OUT with the new!

    What kind do you have? My first car was a '77 Toyota Celica, 5 sp manual transmission, no power steering or AC and had vinyl seats. It was awesome! Until someone crashed into me and totaled it. Sad times. Horse and buggy is the best kind!!
  13. feathermaid

    IN with the old... OUT with the new!

    Yes, I have a serious love-hate relationship with electronics. My first laptop, a 2001 ibook, was the best computer I ever owned. It never had a single glitch or problem in 10 years when I finally had to get a new one for graphic design school. Now I've gone through about 3 more since then and I...
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