Recent content by flgardengirl

  1. flgardengirl


    Good morning everyone.
  2. flgardengirl

    New layers and fertility.

    Hi, I have 8 turkey hens that started laying this spring. They are almost a yr old. Im in FL and its warm now. There were three toms with them but I removed one since he is becoming aggressive toward us and fighting the other two calm males. So there are two males w the hens and I have seen them...
  3. flgardengirl

    Calling goat owners!

    Purina has a medicated goat feed. If Purina is available in Canada you may be able to find it.
  4. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    What little cuties! :love
  5. flgardengirl

    breeds that get along with polish

    I gave my 3 polish girls to my English Isabel Cuckoo Orpington roo because he only had one Isabel female so I had to add some from other varieties. There is also a Naked Neck hen a English Lavender Orp hen. They all get along great. The big fat fluffy Orp male does have trouble breeding the...
  6. flgardengirl

    Key West aka Gypsy Chickens Thread :)

    Well here it is 2020. I started this thread many years ago and still have Key West Chickens lol. Thought I'd share the story of one of my crazy broody hens who lost her eggs and how I gave her some baby heritage turkeys that I ordered from Ideal Poultry this spring. Here's the story how she got...
  7. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Haha one of my BBB turkey hens was in love w a Blue Marans rooster. They would all free range together. She would chase that roo around calling to him and trying to get him to mate her. She was prob around 30 lbs. He would run away and she would chase him. It was hysterical. I looked high n low...
  8. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Do you guys start your baby turkeys on gamebird starter? Last time I had poults I did but I am having a hard time finding it in my area right now. Shipping stuff is really slow right now too. I read you can just give the chick starter 24% and give them boiled egg yolks for xtra protein. I...
  9. flgardengirl

    Question for Turken Owners?

    Good to know about the broodiness. I wouldnt mind if she decides to go broody. Mine just started laying a month ago so maybe her eggs will get bigger. I originally had my NN hen in with a polish roo but he mated her relentlessly and was hurting her neck and head too much. He favored her over the...
  10. flgardengirl

    Mottled Houdan Roo x Silkie Hen

    No clue what they should look like but your baby is very cute! :love Please keep posting how she/he turns out. I am curious to see what the cross will turn out like.
  11. flgardengirl

    Question for Turken Owners?

    I have a Naked Neck hen in with 3 Polish hens and 2 English Orp girls and an English Orp male. They all get along great. She is just like one of the girls. She lays medium sized light brown eggs just about everyday. She is very sweet and likes to be held and snuggled. The Naked Neck and one of...
  12. flgardengirl

    Can turkey poults use a heat plate?

    I am also thinking of using a Brinsea ecoglow50 for 13 poults I am getting in a few weeks. They are going in a brooder out on the patio so I can keep an eye on them. I am in FL so its pretty warm here but we have had a few nights in the 50F. Days are typically 80's-low 90'sF this time of yr.
  13. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Awww all you guys babies are so cute! I didn't know you all had turkeys! We used to have some Broad Breasted Bronze turkey hens. They followed us around the yard like puppies lol. So has anyone used the Brinsea ecoglow50 for turkey poults? I have 13 heritage poults coming in May. I am making...
  14. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Here are the two Lovebirds today..the sun was pretty bright. Their colors are better in shade. Its been raining down hard for days so they were happy to get outside and play in the mud this afternoon lol. I will get some better photos tomorrow. I think the hen actually has some poop or something...
  15. flgardengirl

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hi all! Its been awhile since I've posted. My Eng Isabel Cuckoo hen started laying and they seem to be fertile. Same with my Lav Eng Orp girl although she is in w the Isabel male right now lol. What would I get if I crossed the Lav female w the Isabel cuckoo male? I am going to put her in w the...
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