FNF's latest activity

  • FNF
    FNF reacted to Miss Lydia's post in the thread Runner duck egg question with Love Love.
    @DuckyDonna told me about a Tablespoon over their feed. Since you only have 3 probably half of that would be good.
  • FNF
    FNF replied to the thread Runner duck egg question.
    @DuckyDonna - do you just sprinkle a little of the powder on the food or measure out a certain amount? I currently only have three ducks.
  • FNF
    FNF replied to the thread Runner duck egg question.
    Great info. I have made a hefty amazon order to beef up my duck and chicken supplements :D - more 1mL oral syringes, calcium citrate in...
  • FNF
    FNF reacted to DuckyDonna's post in the thread Runner duck egg question with Love Love.
    this is what I bought https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F8I5XPG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  • FNF
    FNF replied to the thread Runner duck egg question.
    Thanks - do you get something like these? With D3, or just unflavored calcium citrate?
    • Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 8.25.15 AM.png
    • Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 8.25.43 AM.png
  • FNF
    FNF reacted to Miss Lydia's post in the thread Runner duck egg question with Like Like.
    I know some members will use calcium citrate for extra calcium. @DuckyDonna was putting it over the oyster shells for extra calcium for...
  • FNF
    FNF replied to the thread Runner duck egg question.
    @DuckyDonna can you share what product you use and how much? I wouldn't mind supplementing for all three like this. I have the calcium...
  • FNF
    FNF reacted to Miss Lydia's post in the thread Runner duck egg question with Like Like.
    We use it mainly to treat if one of our girls is having a hard time laying an egg it helps with contractions to get the egg moving. It...
  • FNF
    FNF reacted to Jenbirdee's post in the thread Runner duck egg question with Like Like.
    https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/safely-administering-oral-medications-to-all-poultry-and-waterfowl.73335/ Normally Calcium...
  • FNF
    FNF replied to the thread Runner duck egg question.
    Thank you! They do have oyster shell handy and they do consume it. I may up the layer feed ratio a bit too for the summer. Question on...
  • FNF
    FNF posted the thread Runner duck egg question in Ducks.
    I have three runner ducks that started laying in late January. I get three eggs pretty reliably each day. Today I got three, good shells...
  • FNF
    This is exactly what we are doing - we have three ducks now, three duckling on the way. Currently using a kiddie pool on top of smooth...
  • FNF
    I love finding these bits of knowledge even on older posts - I'm still in my first year of duck ownership. My runner females have been...
  • FNF
    FNF reacted to Miss Lydia's post in the thread Indian Runner Duck supplements with Like Like.
    Sure looks like they are getting good nutrition. I have a few Fawn and white runners with bills like yours.
  • FNF
    FNF posted the thread Indian Runner Duck supplements in Ducks.
    I have three female runner ducks that I raised as ducklings (born July 2023). They are all laying as of a month or so ago, but I have...
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