Recent content by Fran123

  1. Fran123

    Gosh. What a stark difference, I’m battling the opposite - 41 degrees Celcius here in Australia 🥵

    Gosh. What a stark difference, I’m battling the opposite - 41 degrees Celcius here in Australia 🥵
  2. Fran123

    Dying rooster - How to care for him in his last moments...?

    Could you be dealing with Marek’s? If the bird is suffering and is showing no sign of improvement I would recommend humane euthanasia by a vet. Sorry 😢 looks like a handsome boy
  3. Fran123

    Help sexing

    Thank you!
  4. Fran123

    Help sexing

    Hi all. Just wanting some opinions on the sex of these two. Purchased 2 days ago - age unclear but around 15 weeks. Told the Wyandotte (blue laced red) is a pullet and unsure on the white faced black Spanish. The Wyandotte gives me cockerel vibes from its dinosaur legs but not much happening...
  5. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Yes, I didn’t realise she would be almost like a polish when I bought her. Maybe I could style her do, a little trim or a ponytail haha Thanks for all your help!!
  6. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Yes she has a big dome on top of her head, I guess some of her brain is in there.. seems like a poor design but she is pretty. Poor thing can’t see well for all those feathers though!
  7. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    She is a cream legbar with a monster crest and vaulted skull.
  8. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Not a hatchery, just a heritage breeder locally. I think I am just cursed. I have better luck with ducks! 🤷‍♀️ plus I am in australia, we don’t have big hatcheries here .. only for production birds
  9. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Yeh they are stunning, shame both lads though! Would have loved to have a hen
  10. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    First lot bought all day olds, second lot some brought day olds and some hatched
  11. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Vorwerk cockerels
  12. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Haha yeh I always have terrible odds. This round of chicks has been 10 Roos and 5 Pullets. Last time it was 11 Roos and only 2 pullets 🤦‍♀️
  13. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Thanks I thought so, here’s a couple more of the GLW if that helps.
  14. Fran123

    Sexing 9 week old chicks

    Hi, I have a two 9 week old chicks that I’m unsure of sex. Most of them in the pics are clear cockerels. Some have started crowing and as I can’t keep Roos in suburbia I need to move them on and just want to make sure I’m right about these two. I think they might be both pullets. Pic 1 the...
  15. Fran123

    Help sexing my chicks

    And you're pretty confident with the light Sussex? He's my only iffy one
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