Recent content by freckledfairy

  1. freckledfairy

    Duck Leg Injury + other symptoms

    Hi! Our Florence is about 80% better! She just needed time for her leg to heal. She’s happy to be back out in the coop even if it is in her own section. Another thing we considered was parasites and I dewormed everyone. I know you said you’ve got indoor ducks, but that could still be a...
  2. freckledfairy

    Duck Leg Injury + other symptoms

    She’s doing better, thank you! We put her back in the run (in her own small area but where she could see everyone and everyone could see her) for the afternoon and they were so happy to be reunited. We saw the vet Tuesday morning and of course Florence was a bit nervous and she walked on it as...
  3. freckledfairy

    Duck Leg Injury + other symptoms

    Hi! I need some help figuring out how to support my sweet girl. Friday night, when we went to put our girls up for bed, Florence was laying in the coop, and did not get up to greet us like normal. Upon further encouragement, she didn’t get up either. 2 hours earlier she was just fine and...
  4. freckledfairy

    Leg injury + other symptoms

    Hi! I need some help figuring out how to support my sweet girl. Friday night, when we went to put our girls up for bed, Florence was laying in the coop, and did not get up to greet us like normal. Upon further encouragement, she didn’t get up either. 2 hours earlier she was just fine and...
  5. freckledfairy

    Why is my duck obsessed with shrooms

    one of my girls is now crazy for mushrooms! I’m not sure how it started, but my 14week old buff duck now SCOURS the yard looking for mushrooms. We’ve been trying to keep her away from any, but she is relentless. The other ducks don’t give two quacks about the things. I’ve been able to identify a...
  6. freckledfairy

    Rehoming single depressed duck in NC

    I’m so so sorry! I’m sending you a message.
  7. freckledfairy

    Need advice, duck with eye infection and other with odd behavior. Please help!

    Have you tried baytril? I don’t have a ton of duck experience, so I am learning about these symptoms as much as you are, but I know baytril is a broad spectrum anti microbial. I really hope you can figure out how to get your birds back to their normal selves 💛
  8. freckledfairy

    Pekin Ducks Suffered Neglect - Looking to help them heal

    I think it’s great you rescued those gals! They will be much happier in a calmer and more friendly environment. It would probably be worth getting nutridrench and definitely RAW apple cider vinegar to give the a boost and back on the right track.
  9. freckledfairy

    Seed Starting

    Apologies if this was addressed in any other of the following pages, but any advice on growing celery?? We are in zone 8a and I cannot figure out why celery hates me so much! I’ve struggled to grow it in the past and have major garden envy of anyone who shows off their beautiful stalks.
  10. freckledfairy

    Sudden Pekin Death, Heartbroken

    I’m so so sorry about your girls. It is so awful. Something very similar happened to us about 2 weeks ago. We had just recently gotten some ducklings. They were 3 weeks old and one morning my husband noticed one of the girls had a hard time lifting her head up. We spent the day trying to...
  11. freckledfairy

    Rehoming single depressed duck in NC

    Hi! We are outside of Charlotte in rock hill sc. most of my family lives in wake or Durham counties, so we’re there often. We have 2 welsh harlequins and 2 buff Orpington ducks. We might be able to take this guy! We’re on 11 acres and we have just finished a beautiful coop for our girls...
  12. freckledfairy

    Feeding at night ?

    Exactly, that’s what I was thinking. I just wanted to make sure they could be without overnight because I’d much rather that mess stay in the run as much as possible 🤪
  13. freckledfairy

    Feeding at night ?

    Thank you! I appreciate it 😊
  14. freckledfairy

    Feeding at night ?

    So we’re about to move our girls out to their coop in the next week or two. Right now in their brooder they free feed. We mix up a little bit of their crumble and water 2-3x a day, otherwise they have a feeder of the same crumble, just dry, all day. I feel silly asking this question but I...
  15. freckledfairy

    McGreary's Virtuous Total Duck feed

    Hi! I know this is an older thread, but saw it and wanted to share my experience with McGreary. I ordered a bag as I wanted to feed my ducklings organic starter. This brand was recommended to me by someone I trusted, so I ordered a 10lb bag. When I got the bag, it had pantry fly moth larvae in...
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