Recent content by FreedomFarm13

  1. FreedomFarm13

    ISO Brown Red and Buff TRUE Ameraucanas

    I am looking to buy a dozen hatching eggs each of Brown Red and Buff Ameraucanas but the few breeders I've found on the Ameraucana Breeders Club website are all either not getting eggs yet or not taking egg orders. Is there anyone here on byc who can spare some of these awesome varieties...
  2. FreedomFarm13

    Self Blue (Lavender) Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Week 2, a couple days late: #1- Yellow Band- "Dorothy" if it's a girl. #2- Purple Band- "Nyx" (if it's a girl) "Nexus" if it's a boy. #3- Green Band- "Layla" if it's a girl. If either of the Lavender babies turns out to be a boy, their name will be Albus. I've always wanted a Lavender...
  3. FreedomFarm13

    Birchen Marans Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Week 2, a couple days late. As of today, they're in the coop brooder with the older babies. #1- Red Band #2- Yellow Band- Mumble (boy?) #3- Green Band. So, I'm pretty sure this baby is actually an Olive Egger, not a Marans. That certainly doesn't look like a single comb to me... #4- Blue...
  4. FreedomFarm13

    Silver Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Late for Week 3 pics, but I got them! 3 weeks, 4 days: #1- Dark Baby. Possibly a boy, and if so, his name will be Silas. Just had to throw in the pic of him trying to get the camera! He's a little character. He's the same size as my 2 week old Marans babies. Much smaller than the others. #2-...
  5. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Wheaten Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Well, a little late for Week 3 pics, but here they are! 3 weeks, 4 days.... #1- Red Band (Wheaten? Girl) This baby was FREAKING OUT while I tried to take her pics. I ended up having to hold her. She's the only one (out of 25 babies) that had to be held still for her pics. What a spazz 🙄 #2-...
  6. FreedomFarm13

    BBS Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Well, here's the Week 3 pics finally...I was out of town unexpectedly for a few days, so about 4 days late with these pics. They're coming along though! Definitely have a few spunky personalities starting to shine thru! Here they are! 3 weeks, 4 days: #1- Red Band (Splash) #2- Yellow Band...
  7. FreedomFarm13

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Yeah, that's what I like about the wheatens. I could tell at 2 weeks that the blue and wheaten boys were boys. The splash is just too similar to the girls' coloring though, but it is really starting to look like it's a boy...there's just too much patchy white on his wings. But the wheatens are...
  8. FreedomFarm13

    July 2022 Hatch-A-Long

    Yay!!! An Ethel, I love it!!! My babies are 3 weeks and 2 weeks now. Older ones are in the coop brooder and the younger ones will be next week. I haven't gotten pics of them for about a week, but they are due for a photo shoot. Definitely have at least 2 boys, a wheaten and blue wheaten...
  9. FreedomFarm13

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Started the thread for the Self Blues yesterday! Forgot to add the link here til just now. I also have a thread for my blue/black birchen marans, if anyone is interested... Here's the Self Blues...
  10. FreedomFarm13

    Birchen Marans Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    I have threads following the growth of all my Ameraucana varieties, so I figured I might as well share my Marans progress as well. I hatched out 8 Blue/Black Birchen Marans a week ago, and took their week old pics today. Here they are! #1- Red Band (Black) #2- Yellow Band (Blue) This baby was...
  11. FreedomFarm13

    Self Blue (Lavender) Ameraucana Growth- Pics Taken Weekly

    Ok, here is my latest thread, following the growth of my Lavender Ameraucanas. I was able to hatch out 2 Lavenders and 1 Black Split and they are now 1 week old so it's time for their first week pics! Here they are: #1- Yellow Band #2- Purple Band (Black Split) #3- Green Band
  12. FreedomFarm13

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I love broodies! I've only ever had a broody hatch out eggs once, but it was awesome to not have to worry about them. She was a great mama and definitely did all the heavy lifting, and I ended up with pretty EEs that laid light green eggs!
  13. FreedomFarm13

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Hey @DebbieMarler whereabouts in N AR are you? I used to live in Fayetteville for about 20 years and moved to Waldron in 2018. Loved it up there though! ETA: Sorry if I'm being nosy, I was just wondering if you were near Fayetteville or not 😁
  14. FreedomFarm13

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    Same. I hatched out 2 batches of 4 varieties of Ameraucanas and some Birchen Marans last month and here I am setting more, plus I'm about to order more of the Silver Ams and then some Russian Orloffs! I've got it bad! It's that big new coop...I'm feeling the need to fill it, lol.
  15. FreedomFarm13

    August 2022 Hatch-a-long

    I've never bought eggs off eBay, although I know lots of people who have had both successes and failures with it. Just go into it knowing what you want and what to look for to make sure you're getting what you want. There are certainly some shady people out there, unfortunately, who like to take...
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