Recent content by FrostRanger

  1. FrostRanger

    Wild Chicken populations?

    Well, first, what predators are in your area ad what breeds are we talking? Second, how much help would they have? Will they have a coop or will they roost in trees? Will they have access to supplemental feed when food is scarce? What's the landscape around your property like?
  2. FrostRanger


    The only danger of them eating corn in the summer is the usual danger of getting overweight. Corn raising body temp is just a myth
  3. FrostRanger

    Does everyone stress ordering chicks the first time 😱

    Sand can act as grit, although IMO grit is cheap enough that it doesn't hurt to have some available just in case
  4. FrostRanger

    Does everyone stress ordering chicks the first time 😱

    Yes, but please buy chick grit as soon as possible. Without it they'll get an impacted crop if they eat something besides their chick feed
  5. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    Predators are everywhere including the suburbs and they can be quite bold too so I would not let that lull you into a false sense of security
  6. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    Make sure to predator proof the run as well, you'll have to post a picture of the run once it's built for me to give specific suggestions but the main thing is to surround the outer 2 feet outside the run with hardware cloth to stop digging predators. A determined fox, possum or raccoon will...
  7. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    Once you get that built you can actually start letting them out in that! They'll love it!
  8. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    Either would be fine I think
  9. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    What I would also recommend is building them a secured run, preferably covered to provide shade and keep them from flying out, that way they'll have an outdoor area to be in even if you can't free range for a bit for whatever reason. You'll want a minimum of 10 square feet of run space per bird...
  10. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    Yes, a playpen is perfect! No, they won't run away if they get loose, they'll just be a bugbear to catch but they will stay in the general area. Absolutely supervise them closely. If they do happen to get loose, you can certainly catch them but the easiest way to get them is to offer them...
  11. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    No, feed the grit in a separate dish although at this age I just like to provide a little bit on top of a can or something rather than leave a big dish of it out. My personal preference is to wait until they're close to adult size to free range, but I do have stray cats in my area and while they...
  12. FrostRanger

    Does everyone stress ordering chicks the first time 😱

    Yeah, as long as they have chick grit. I personally just don't like introducing treats other than grass and wet chick feed until they get a bit older but a mealworm or 2 won't hurt them, just don't overdo it as they really do need to mostly be eating their chick feed
  13. FrostRanger

    Getting baby chicks!

    You could take them out for very short trips outside in a playpen if the weather is nice, if they start peeping loudly because they're cold though, bring them back inside. Don't keep them outside for any longer than they want to be. I would provide them chick grit a day or 2 before you bring...
  14. FrostRanger

    Bantam chicks dying

    If you use shavings you must provide grit in case they eat a bit of it. As long as you have a bit of grit for them, pine shavings are perfectly safe. I use shavings myself without issue
  15. FrostRanger

    They won't eat their food

    They can eat the starter crumbles, but I'd cut out all treats until they eat their food reliably. If they're hungry enough they'll eat their food eventually. If you do decide to keep them on starter, make sure to provide oyster shells on the side
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