Recent content by FunnyFarmer

  1. FunnyFarmer

    Buff Orpington won't leave nesting box?? What could this be?

    Sounds like a broody to me. Give her some eggs!
  2. FunnyFarmer

    Question about egg yolks

    Okay, this is weird. My nice fresh eggs have totally runny yolks, as in, you break the egg in the pan and the yolk goes everywhere. I know what's wrong when the eggshells are thin (& how to fix it) but this has me stumped. Anybody had this problem & solved it?
  3. FunnyFarmer

    Your experience with Heat Stroke?

    Quote: You can also buy these long cloth tubes (well, I think you can buy them instead of having to make them) with a gel in them that holds cold longer than just wet bandanas. They're really good kept on your neck--used to use those when I was doing SCA heavy armored fighting in the middle...
  4. FunnyFarmer

    Your experience with Heat Stroke?

    I've had heat exhaustion a couple of times--got the shakes, got woozy, had heat cramps once. They are vile. I've also been told you're more vulnerable once you've had problems once. Shade, water (or watered down gatorade), take regular breaks. Don't keep your house ac really cold if you work...
  5. FunnyFarmer

    Southern 101---Explanation of all things Southern

    My neighbors (who are wonderful people) moved down here from Long Island. We were talking one day about drinks and she kept talking about putting "kaluer" in her coffee........I finally said "Karen, are you talking about kahlua?" One of my mother's friends from the midwest finally broke down...
  6. FunnyFarmer

    Ladies over 30 Years of Age

    As far as I'm concerned it really depends on the tattoo. I've seen some that were really cool and some that I really didn't care for.
  7. FunnyFarmer

    Do we have any S.H.E.s or Flyers here???

    Did it, not on the email list anymore but still using her ideas. Helped me a whole lot. Don't try to do it all at once! Babysteps! One thing at a time. Flylady is real big on that & I'm a big fan.
  8. FunnyFarmer

    Pool---- Yes or No

    We have one of the Intrex metal-frame above ground pools & we love it. It's one of the smaller ones--13 foot--but that's plenty big enough for the kids to play in or several adults to laze around in. We have a good well so filling it over a couple of days was no problem & the maintenance...
  9. FunnyFarmer

    Fabulous, 40, conforming non conformist ramblings on being yourself

    You go girl! I admit I don't get the whole big deal about turning 40. I'm gonna be exactly the same person the morning after as I was the morning before--and I'm pretty happy with that person. I wouldn't mind having back the body I had at 20 but I wouldn't be 20 again for anything! I blew...
  10. FunnyFarmer

    Do you think we "over-think" chicken behavior???

    Quote: Sounds like the same as child raising! Amen to that--it's why I completely quit reading parenting books. Too anxiety-provoking. I have a friend who is fairly new to chicken keeping (several, actually) and she was fretting about getting rid of extra roos and moving her girls around to...
  11. FunnyFarmer

    What have you done today to save money?

    hmm....made pancakes this morning from a homemade mix sent a roo off to freezer camp this morning--two more go tomorrow made bread this afternoon didn't do laundry today but when I do I hang it on the clothesline mixed up a batch of homemade laundry soap--looking forward to trying it!
  12. FunnyFarmer

    I am so frustrated and depressed right now.

    Yeah, that's rough. It's always worse when you actually have something lined up and then it falls through. I remember that from when my kids were little. 3 and 4 is a tough time--hang in there. It does get easier.
  13. FunnyFarmer

    Thrift Store Shopping for bargains

    Quote: Amen to that! Browsing through all the stuff is half the fun. I bagged a $400 Ann Taylor suit last year for $7.50--looked like it had never been worn. I bet a good half of my clothes come from Goodwill and I get compliments all the time.'s Saturday morning.....maybe I'll...
  14. FunnyFarmer

    buying Hay?

    If you're using it for bedding straw works just as well & might be easier to find. It's used for landscaping, so you can check places like Home Depot or Lowes. I've used hay in the chicken house when I ran out of straw, and personally I prefer the straw.
  15. FunnyFarmer

    Calling people from, Ten, KY, or the Carolinas for info.

    Cumberland Falls State Resort Park in Kentucky. Nice campground, great pool, good hiking. Only about half an hour off I-75.
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