Recent content by gallo pinto

  1. gallo pinto

    Run Modifications

    I did the same thing while building my run. The ground is sloped where I have it, and so I can walk just fine on the low side, I wasn't sure if I was going to survive the construction of it with how frequently I was smacking my head into 2x4s on the high side of the slope.
  2. gallo pinto

    Raise Mice for Feed

    Have you tried earthworms? Depending on your food scrap situation they can be pretty easy, just mix with some dirt and leaves and cardboard in a bin and they'll multiply with a steady supply of food.
  3. gallo pinto

    buff opington issues -- mixing breeds possible with them?

    I feel like this is especially true with Buff Orpingtons. I have two who are only about 13 weeks old, but I'm glad I didn't get more. From day to day I'm not sure if I can tell them apart. When we first got them, it was a bit easier because one pretty much didn't have a comb, but now that they...
  4. gallo pinto

    Bleach or vinegar in water?

    Um, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's how we treat tap water. Chlorine or Chloramine. If you're on the same water as St. Louis, it looks like you're chloramine but if you're giving your chickens tap water, you're giving them bleach or something very...
  5. gallo pinto

    Chicken tractor made from kennel panels

    Do you have a picture of the kennel?
  6. gallo pinto

    Rain getting in coop

    With the picture you posted of the inside, I'd be worried some of that is dripping in through the cracks of the nesting box lid. If that's the case, you could either reconfigure it to open from the front instead of the top (the gaps in the front would be covered by the overhanging top and snow...
  7. gallo pinto

    When to make them roost

    Buff Orpingtons and Easter Eggers
  8. gallo pinto

    When to make them roost

    Well, it's harder to deal with the poop when it's in the back corner instead of the on the poop board, and part of my worries that if they aren't sleeping on the roosts when I stop blocking off the nesting boxes they might start sleeping in there.
  9. gallo pinto

    Good tree for shelter + roosting?

    Japanese Maple might be good. According to a quick internet search they start to struggle once you get down to zone 9b, but I live in zone 9b in California and they're all over the place.
  10. gallo pinto

    When to make them roost

    I have 4 chickens between 12-15 weeks old who still don't roost at night. They go into their coop and huddle (more or less depending on the temperature that night) in the corner on the floor of the coop. They do that on their own around sundown, no coaxing or herding necessary. During the day...
  11. gallo pinto

    Comment by 'gallo pinto' in article 'Incubation Humidity'

    I'm a bit confused by this part: "A good starting point is in the 30-40% range for most eggs. Choose a number on the lower side of the range for very humid locations, on the higher side of the range for drier locations." What does the RH outside the incubator matter? If I'm in the tropics or the...
  12. gallo pinto

    Need Advice for a Living Roof Coop

    I wouldn't worry about things holding the weight of the soil. I'm not an engineer, but I've built things and I've stood on some of them, and I haven't fallen through yet. Given the height of those lips and the number of supports I wouldn't worry about it. I have no math or science to back me up...
  13. gallo pinto

    Brisnea Incubator

    Yeah, out of curiosity I've looked at Craigslist a bit, but I'm a bit more leery of trusting people on Craigslist about the condition of their incubator. If I found something at the right price though, I'd certain go for it.
  14. gallo pinto

    Good plants/flowers to put in run

    Whatever it is would have to be big enough for them not to scratch up unless you use a grazing frame, as aart mentioned. Perhaps something like a rose bush where they could eat the fallen petals? My run is somewhat similar to yours (I think mine is about 6 feet wide and maybe 30 feet long), and...
  15. gallo pinto

    Brisnea Incubator

    I was looking at Brisnea's webpage and noticed that they have a Scratch & Dents section where they sell items at a discount with this description: New but esthetically substandard product. This incubator is in perfect working condition and comes with a full 3-year manufacturer's warranty but has...
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