Recent content by GarnerZoo

  1. GarnerZoo

    All ducks eggs died before

    Thanks for the article, I'll be sure to read it! And not really, they were about 1 year old when they had first brood and now they're 3, she picked a new nesting spot, but that's all
  2. GarnerZoo

    All ducks eggs died before

    My female duck enjoys sitting on eggs and hatching her own brood, I wouldn't even be hatching eggs if she didn't want them..I appreciate the incubator recemondation tho :)
  3. GarnerZoo

    All ducks eggs died before

    Last egg finally got kicked out...was another fully formed baby with feathers, but it was a rotted egg and baby was dead..please, if anyone knows how I can prevent this from happening again let me know :(
  4. GarnerZoo

    All ducks eggs died before

    I've got a pair of Welsh Harlequins, and they've had a successful brood before, but this time every single one of her eggs has started dying. They all stopped developing either right before getting feathers or right after, but she still sat on them until they rotted to the point of breaking open...
  5. GarnerZoo

    Swollen foot on duck, can't bare weight

    @Miss Lydia Davies checkup went great, his foot seems to be all better. Got a calcium deposit and a slight limp still, but if you didn't know he had a broken foot before you wouldn't even notice the limp. He's such a trooper
  6. GarnerZoo

    Swollen foot on duck, can't bare weight

    @Miss Lydia I believe it was the puppies trying to play with him, that's the only thing I could think of that would cause this. He's doing good, walking around and happy for the pain meds I suppose haha. He's a trooper :)
  7. GarnerZoo

    Swollen foot on duck, can't bare weight

    I forgot to post my update sorry! Dave did in fact break his foot, And he now has a little duck "cast" or splint on it, he goes back into the vet on the 17th for a check up. I'll be sure to post an update then too @Miss Lydia
  8. GarnerZoo

    Swollen foot on duck, can't bare weight

    I couldn't see anything in the cut when I looked last night, and I check it when I do the Epson salt baths and still nothing. I plan on taking him to the vet tomorrow hopefully. Is it possible for ducks to sprain their ankles? We've got puppies that don't usually ever bother the ducks but...
  9. GarnerZoo

    Swollen foot on duck, can't bare weight

    One of my ducks, dave, couldnt even walk in for the night yesterday. His foot was extremely swollen, had a little cut on the bottom. I'm assuming it got infected ? But it swelled up so fast, the cut was still bleeding a little, that could it be something else? He can't bare weight on it and he's...
  10. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

    I bet the pinkish one is cool to have though! Is it like light pink or darker? The blue egg we got is like a mix between green and blue, it's pretty bright colored not a dark color. It's so cool that they lay colorful eggs though.
  11. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

    My birds and I have been okay i suppose. It's not been the happiest winter with my favorite girl dying but the others are doing well it seems. The babies are getting big, I suppose I shouldnt call them babies anymore now that they're starting to lay but eh whatever haha. Dave and Lady are doing...
  12. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

    One of my Easter Eggers finally laid an egg last night! It's small obviously but it's blue!! I've heard that some lay regular eggs so I was hoping it would be a colorful one and it is. I'm so excited to see what the other one lays now.
  13. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

  14. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

    Merry Christmas from my birdies and I to you all! I hope you all had wonderful holidays this year. Our chickens and little ones got out today as well, I stood out there for about two hours before the hawk started flying around but they were out for a while which was nice for them!
  15. GarnerZoo

    baby duck with lots of problems

    Pulled up today from getting back from the horses and under our Blue Spruce tree was a huge pile of white feathers. I freaked and ran inside and out to the backyard because we left Dave and Lady out this morning, I finally found them by the chicken coop but my heart dropped when I saw that pile...
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