Recent content by GasMenagerie

  1. GasMenagerie

    I've read the rules

    I'm posting what I think I'm supposed to as stated in the "must read" Not sure if this is EXACTLY what I am supposed to do... total nube. To Accept / Agree To The Rules: By placing an ad in our BST section you are acknowledging that you've read the rules. No other steps are needed. I'm...
  2. GasMenagerie

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I'm in Northern California and would like to replenish my chickens with Wheaten Marans. I had quite a few at one time, but over the years my flock has shrunk. I'm not a breeder or a shower -- just someone that loves the look of the birds. They have done well where I live and egg production is...
  3. GasMenagerie

    Wheaten and Blue wheaten Marans Discussion Thread

    Hello fellow Wheaten lovers... I'm beside myself today as I discovered my last Wheaten hen was snatched early this morning by a (fox? coyote? dog?). She was a year old -- one of only four survivors from my dozen hatching eggs I got last year. Her other three siblings were roos - I kept one...
  4. GasMenagerie

    Review by '' on item 'Harris Farm 5 Gallon Top Fill Waterer'

    I love this. I cannot hang a watered, so that's not a problem for me. Other top fill waterers I've tried have a temperamental gasket, but not this one! I do put it on a level platform to help keep some dirt out.
  5. GasMenagerie

    Could my Maran be sick?

    I ended up taking my boy to my vet and getting some antibiotics for him. Oral and eye ointment. After a week in lock down my rooster's eyes cleared and he looked perkier. He still wasn't eating and seemed depressed so I let him out into gen-pop. He perked right up and started eating. He's...
  6. GasMenagerie

    Could my Maran be sick?

    He didn't come out of the coop this morning and one of his eyes is crusted shut. The other has some discharge. He is now in quarantine. Anyone have an idea of what this is and if I should try to treat it?
  7. GasMenagerie

    Could my Maran be sick?

    My Wheaten Maran rooster (about three months old) is doing the same thing today. Just started this afternoon. He snubbed my mealworms even. I will have to capture him and give him the once-over if it doesn't perk up in a couple hours.
  8. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    My little roo is much improved this morning. He's eating and drinking, chirping and standing. Huzzah!
  9. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    They only honey I have is average store honey and likely crystalized. But I will certainly head out in the morning and get some. Couldn't hurt. Tomorrow I will make some chick crumble mash and see if he'll try a meal worm. I want to know which hen did this. I need to cull some...
  10. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    Well, he's perked up a bit after I gave him some yogurt via syringe. He has even taken some water on his own -- dish is right by his head - he's not moving around yet.
  11. GasMenagerie

    O my lord... I have nothing else to say... Chicken an turkey injurie *GRAHPIC TO THE MAX*!!!!!!

    I had something like this happen to one of my chicks - just found him an hour ago. Very helpful advise on here - as always! Thank you BYC!! So glad to see your guys coming along. It gives me hope.
  12. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    This may be a stupid question, but is polysporin ok to use? I don't know what I did with the neosporin. *flails*
  13. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    Yes, sourland, I will be sure to do that. Little guy's an inside roo for now!
  14. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    I have him in a warm, dark box right here next to me. I've dipped his beak in some water and he was smacking his "lips." He is sitting up and puts up a bit of a struggle if I pick him up, so he's not lost his fight yet. Thanks, Suzie.
  15. GasMenagerie

    Chick scalped by (Hen?) *bloody pics*

    One of my chicks - a six week old roo - was (from my best guess) pecked and essentially scalped by on of my grown birds. I found the little guy huddled on the ground. He's still alive but the skin is stripped from his head. He's in shock and not eating or drinking. Anyone here deal with...
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