Recent content by gavbarker

  1. gavbarker

    finch chicks can anyone help?

    I fill a feeder with the usual seed feed and fill the other with an egg food if you just ask for that in a pet shop they should know what your talking about as im sure its not just called egg food. I also make sure i put half an apple in every few days just to make sure they are eating enough...
  2. gavbarker

    finch chicks can anyone help?

    Anyone else have any idea?
  3. gavbarker

    finch chicks can anyone help?

    here is a pic of them in the nest the white one is on the right
  4. gavbarker

    finch chicks can anyone help?

    Hi i have got some zebra finches they have just had 3 chicks they are about 3 to 4 weeks old not 2 of them are dark gray and one is almost pure white. I think i read somewhere that when they hatch they are all the same coulor is they white one special so it will stay white or are the 2 colours...
  5. gavbarker

    does anyone have finches or hatch finch eggs?

    Iv had 3 hatch out of 5 today im hopeing the others will be tomorow the parents seem to be doing fine with them il send pics when i get chance to see them off the eggs i just took one but its not very good il try and get a better one tomorow.
  6. gavbarker

    does anyone have finches or hatch finch eggs?

    I have zebra finches just the 2 i have looked at a few websites but they are not as usefull as people on here. I have noticed that the female has been siting on them a bit more today maby she just needs a bit of a break after laying the 5 eggs. I wasnt too keen on puting them in my incubator as...
  7. gavbarker

    does anyone have finches or hatch finch eggs?

    Hi i have a pair of finches and they have laid there 2nd lot off eggs the first ones didnt work they wouldnt go next to them bu tnow they have laid 5 eggs and have been on them for about 5 days the male finch seems to be doing most of the work is this normal? And also they have been fighting a...
  8. gavbarker

    if i incubate eggs

    I wouldnt put young chicks with them while they are still young maby when they are a bit older unless they already have chicks due to hatch. I would recomend keeping them in a brooder once they hatch for 6 weeks keeping them warm then put them with the others when they get older. Otherwise let...
  9. gavbarker

    show the chicks from your brooder

    here are 2 of my lots brooder First lot of chicks very messy Second lot about 3 weeks old taken yesterday
  10. gavbarker

    Can anyone help me sex my 2 chickens pics inside.

    Just been looking at my dates and the top chicken is 12 weeks old now and the 2nd one is a bit less im not to sure i got it off a friend as it has curly toes and its legs are in a bad was when it walks so i thought i would give it a go to see how it gets on. Does 12 weeks make a diffrence to...
  11. gavbarker

    Can anyone help me sex my 2 chickens pics inside.

    I have to go now but please still help with your thoughts if you think you might know i realy hope that they are both hen as if its a cockrel i wont be able to keep it in the garden and it will have to go down to the farm. Also the one of the chicks the light susex in there as a bright red comb...
  12. gavbarker

    Can anyone help me sex my 2 chickens pics inside.

    I didnt notice them in the window till i just posted it on here they are obsesed with them but i havent let them meet them just yet as they get a bit exited.
  13. gavbarker

    Can anyone help me sex my 2 chickens pics inside.

    Hi can anyone help me im not sure what they both are i think they are 2 hens but recently the first one has got a lot reder around the face but it is about a month older then the one in the second pic they are both lightsesex Also here is a pic of my recent batch of chicks 4 buff orpington...
  14. gavbarker

    when I cracked open the eggs at37 days (turkeys and ducks)

    I had the same problem with 6 of my light susex eggs a few hatches ago but i had one hatch and 2 marrans but the other 6 were formed full of water in the egg im not sure what caused it.
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