Recent content by gemini

  1. gemini

    Coop Cleaning Safety

    Hi. I have had chickens for about 14-15 years and I have never worn a mask to clean my coops. Sometimes it can be worse than others ie: a long spell of rain or snow, which makes me wait a day or two, hence more droppings, as they stay inside. I try to shovel out the old bedding and replace with...
  2. gemini

    Anyone know a hatchery near NYS??

    Posted under the page for silkies... PLEASE NOTE: the color blue does not hatch true in chickens. Blue is a diluting gene for black. So, 50% will hatch blue, and 25% will be black. The last 25% will be "splash," having received two diluting genes. Splash is a very light color, pale blue or white...
  3. gemini

    Anyone know a hatchery near NYS??

    My Pet Chicken in CT. I have ordered from them before with great success. Ordered again yesterday. Very good customer service
  4. gemini

    Massachusetts anyone?

    Wow.... I haven't been here in years...... but I am from Scituate, MA
  5. gemini

    Hawk attack.....

    Stacey, My husband is from Duxbury!!! Don't know how old you are but.... I met hubby at "The Ranch House" << dive bar! over 25 years ago! Maybe your husband knows the place! Maybe they know each other?! My in-laws are still in town, as is my sis-in-law. We are in Scituate(2 towns north) I in...
  6. gemini

    Hawk attack.....

    HI B, Yes her eye is still in the socket... very oozy and all around is very swollen..... I can only assume she took a hit from the hawk, but I really don't know..... I just wish I had been home to get a jump on it before this morning....... I am working doing inventory (for now) at the yarn...
  7. gemini

    Hawk attack.....

    Chellester, and Spotted, Thanks. I have seen them around and they have tried, but havent had success. The whole run is covered. I think it may have gotten in through a gap, Im not sure. She actually was very calm during the peroxide wash, and let me do what I wanted. I was surprised. She...
  8. gemini

    Hawk attack.....

    Hi... was at work yesterday and got a call from DH who came home early and decided to let the chickens out.... He went out to the coop and thought something was odd. They were all inside except for 4, which were way on the other side of the run... The one flew full force into the fence..... it...
  9. gemini

    MA Chickenstock...

    Cheryl, Hi... I haven't been here in quite some time, but was catching up a bit this morning..... I saw you were looking for La's Coup du Jour's website? it is: hope this helps in what you are looking for. Wynn
  10. gemini

    MA Chickenstock...

    The Marshfield Fair is Aug 17-26th I know there is a bantam show on Wed the 22nd and lots of other stuff too. I'll be in AZ till the 22, but am hoping to make it at some point Spotted, are you going? W
  11. gemini

    A visitor in my yard

    Wow!!! when I read the topic of the post I was thinking fox or deer..... I Never imagined a bison! He sure is beautiful.......from a distance! I cant believe you were able to get a pic! Thanks for sharing! Wynn
  12. gemini

    It's CONTEST Time - BYC Bumper Stickers!!!!

    Thanks Lynn I like it too. and its so true! W
  13. gemini

    It's CONTEST Time - BYC Bumper Stickers!!!!

    thought of this one at 4:30am when Clavendale crowed!!! "It's Cheep Therapy" or "My Cheep Therapy" ALSO: maybe one of those Euro stickers (the oval ones) with BYC in the center and in smaller print going around the bottom...
  14. gemini

    Invisible Children

    There was a big event in Boston last spring about this. My daughters both participated... it was a fund raiser/sleep in at one of the large chruches (i think) in town. tons of people everywhere! they said it was great! thanks for the video W
  15. gemini

    so this is the new byc????

    Well I finally did it..... I finally registered on the new board. It took a while , I know... but when I saw the bumpersticker post, and the link to the new board....... well... I thought it was about time..... I too will have to get used to it.but I will..... Looks great.... nice job. Thanks
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