Recent content by GenuineJo

  1. GenuineJo

    Buff Orpington companions

    Yes they would be raised together as I am getting the chicks within the week, both types if I decide to. They seem like a good match. And I would enjoy the variety.
  2. GenuineJo

    Buff Orpington companions

    I have ordered female Buff Orpingtons and was wondering if I could get a few Barred Plymouth Rock chicks too, what do you all think? Would these two breeds get along?
  3. GenuineJo

    Identify this little orphan please.

    Thank you! I hope so. I'll post more pics in a few weeks. She seems to be thriving now and will climb up to my shoulder to get under my hair.
  4. GenuineJo

    Identify this little orphan please.

    No extra toes that I see. Thanks for the information. She seems to have very distinct dark wings above light wing feathers and cleans herself between them because it seems she can separate the 2 layers.
  5. GenuineJo

    Identify this little orphan please.

    On Christmas Eve my husband was out for his morning walk and this little one was nearly frozen just curled up by herself (optimistic pronoun) with no others around. I was wondering if anyone could identify the breed (and even the gender). What other kind of pic would help identify her? She's...
  6. GenuineJo

    Bald belly on buff orpington hen

    Princess seems to be doing fine. She hasn't laid an egg.
  7. GenuineJo

    Bald belly on buff orpington hen

    Thank you! I'll get started on that. I'm glad its more behavioral than medical in your opinion. My kids love this one, have named her Princess because she is the smallest and the most friendly. They will be happy to take care of her.
  8. GenuineJo

    Bald belly on buff orpington hen

    One of my hens, who just matured at the end of September, now has a bald belly. She also has been sitting a lot on the golf ball. She rolls it under her when she is in the box. Could she be balding because she is broody, or because she is having trouble laying? What do I need to look for to...
  9. GenuineJo

    Buff Orpington chicks

    I have them too, and everything I read said you can't tell until they are older. But they are beautiful birds.
  10. GenuineJo

    Devastated... Lost 7 of 13 chicks last night.

    First, I am so sorry for your loss, it is crazy how attached you become to these little chicks! This is my first time too. Second, thank you for posting. I am so glad you did, because it may save more chicks (including mine), I have dogs too, and am now going to reinforce some of the...
  11. GenuineJo

    Feed for Chicks, where do I go from here.

    I have 10 Buff Orpington chicks, they are now about 6 weeks old and I am almost out of the starter medicated feed crumbles. Do I need to buy another 50 lb bag of the same feed, or do I need to get a different kind? They are still inside as the nights have been really chilly. If it warms up...
  12. GenuineJo

    Completely new, do my Buff Orpingtons need to move outside?

    I just got 10 Buff Orpingtons 4 weeks ago from TSC. From what I read, the chicks would have been just a few days old. These are pics of them yesterday at 4 weeks and the brooder. I wanted to check with you guys to see if the age seems right, if the brooder is too crowded, and what to do (Do I...
  13. GenuineJo

    Chicken Breed Focus - Orpington

    What made you decide to get this breed? -So the coronavirus hit. My family is at home, kids are bored, I had been thinking about chickens since I heard that the companies stopped picking up chickens from the chicken farms because processing plants could not remain open (more than 10 people). I...
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