Recent content by gertiesmom

  1. gertiesmom

    Beak trimmed a bit too far - what do I do?

    I know I'm replying to a 2 year old post but I have to thank you! I was trimming much crossbeak silkie as I normally do, and she moved at that specific moment when I clipped! I expected her beak to bleed, but holy crap! I've been searching posts to make sure I was doing the right things and came...
  2. gertiesmom

    4 week old chick with deformity- curved beak and possibly blind in one eye?

    Hi and thank you for getting back to me! So far she's doing ok and eating well. The vet said it definitely sounded like the beginning of crossbeak. She said to keep a close eye on her and if it starts to get worse to bring her in so we can discuss trimming etc. I've done a bunch of research on...
  3. gertiesmom

    Help!!! 4 week old silkie with crooked beak!

    Thank you! I don't know how to trim ,this is the first I've seen it. But I'll ask my vet how.
  4. gertiesmom

    Help!!! 4 week old silkie with crooked beak!

    Ok thank you! Will it get worse as she grows?
  5. gertiesmom

    Please help with Silkie injury got in fight with other silkie hen sorry for the long post!

    I just saw this and I'm glad to read his wound wasn't bad. I'm not an expert, but all I've seen and read with silkies is roos have larger combs, walk more erect and have the least that's how all mine turned out. The white one with the smaller comb appears to be female. They're...
  6. gertiesmom

    Help!!! 4 week old silkie with crooked beak!

    Hello all! I hope someone can help! I just noticed today that one of my silkie chicks has a crooked beak. I'm always cleaning watermelon juice off her face and today was the first I saw this. I don't know if she hurt herself or if this is how scissor beak starts. Her mouth opens ok, she's eating...
  7. gertiesmom

    4 week old chick with deformity- curved beak and possibly blind in one eye?

    I just saw your post and I'm wondering how your baby is doing? I'm about to post about my chick cause I just saw her beak is crooked and the vet can't call me back till tomorrow. I've never seen this before so of course I'm worried. Please let me know what you've found out when you can. Thank...
  8. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    Ok so by some miracle she's still breathing. It's been almost 3 hrs since I found her this way. Do yall think I should attempt some fluids??
  9. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    I appreciate it but she's barely breathing. Thank you for the offer though. Her name is Phoenix so maybe she'll just snap out of it and rise up, but it's looking very grim right now.
  10. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    I'm still waiting for the vet to call, but I don't think she's gonna live that long. She's flat out with shallow breathing. I'm still praying but it's not looking good. Yes I wormed them with wazine last month and I'll put apple cider vinegar in their water evert 2 weeks.
  11. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    I thought she was weak cause the rooster wouldn't stop harassing her.
  12. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    Last night she was eating an apple and meal worms and harassing my cat. At this moment she's barely breathing ...
  13. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    Thank you. I have a call into the emergency vet. She's not even a year and I feel helpless
  14. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    Not egg bound, don't feel any lumps anywhere. Her crop did have alittle fluid that I could feel. No sign of parasites and just normal poop stuck to her butt.
  15. gertiesmom

    Help!! Hen breathing very heavily, fluid from nose and weak!

    I've had my silkie hen inside the last 2 nights cause she seemed weak. She was getting stronger and more spunky, eating, drinking ,pooping etc. Just found her limp, breathing really hard and slow...thought for sure she was done. Held her upside down to get any fluid out from her nose and lungs...
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