Recent content by gila_dog

  1. gila_dog

    Daytime attack

    Will raccoons eat rotten meat, like dogs and coyotes will? I've always thought that the reason canines will kill lots of victims at one time isn't for fun. It's because they can eat their kills for a long time, even when they are rotten. Will raccoons do that too? Also do you think it could...
  2. gila_dog

    They won't eat their food

    I hope you're right, because that's how I see it too. They've been around for thousands (millions?) of years and official laying feed has only been around a few decades. If grain, bugs, fruit, veggies, weeds, and meat of some kind that they find was so bad for them I don't think they would have...
  3. gila_dog

    Napoleon the rooster

    Many years ago we had a new flock of RIR chickens. They were growing and thriving, and one of them was a rooster. He became so handsome and happy, since he had all the girls to himself. But then we noticed a little banty rooster hanging around. He would come over from the neighbors house next...
  4. gila_dog

    More Mice😭

    The first thing I would do is put all your feed in metal trash cans with tight fitting lids. Mice cannot get into those. A barn cat would be a good idea too.
  5. gila_dog

    Roaming Bear - Upstate NY

    A bear that has no fear of people can be very dangerous. An injured bear especially so. Watch out. It's probably finding easy food somewhere in the neighborhood.
  6. gila_dog

    Bear Attack

    We had a bear in our neighborhood for a while. He would tear into sheds and chicken houses, rip fences apart, etc. looking for food. We called the game and fish dept and 2 game wardens showed up with a bear trap. It's a big metal cylinder on a trailer, with a sliding door at one end. They tossed...
  7. gila_dog

    Farm cats and chickens.

    Our experience is that cats will kill baby chickens, but once they are feathered out will leave them alone. One day I saw our big black tom cat with a mouse he had just caught. He was enjoying a bit of mouse torture, and then a chicken ran up and snatched his mouse away from him and ran off with...
  8. gila_dog

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    When I was a kid we had a patio area made of big flat flag stones. Some red harvester ants (not the same as fire ants) moved in under one of the stones, set up a happy colony, and would attack anybody who tried to sit around on the patio. I wiped them out by dribbling a basketball on their rock...
  9. gila_dog

    Moose the goat and his chicken pals

    Old Moose, the retired pack goat, was the only goat in the pen. He and the chickens got along just fine.
  10. gila_dog

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    What I like about Amdro, besides its effectiveness, is that the ants take it all down into their hole and it disappears. I've seen other ant poison that stayed around on the ground outside, and it would kill birds. Including chickens. It was called diazonon. Very bad stuff.
  11. gila_dog

    How do I kill ants in and around chicken coop?

    We have little black ants and bigger red harvester ants. The red ants are aggressive and will sting you. I ignore the little black ants but I don't want the red ants. I've used a product called Amdro on the red ants and it's pretty effective. You sprinkle some around the entrance to their colony...
  12. gila_dog

    Crows are hanging around my coop. Is this a problem?

    What an interesting thread. Keep us posted!
  13. gila_dog

    Does shooting the fox fix the problem?

    Going alllll the way back to the original post... I think shooting THAT fox will solve THAT problem. Of course there will be more foxes, forever, but that fox won't kill any more chickens. We have a lot of coyotes around and over the years we've lost some chickens to them. But I blast them if I...
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