Recent content by Ginagallina

  1. Ginagallina

    Immediate crisis, abandoned egg, please help

    Both my sisters buy their chicks and sneak them under a broody hen while she’s sleeping at night, replacing the eggs she was sitting on. They have never had them reject them before. Day time is a different story.
  2. Ginagallina

    The mystery of the Missing Ceramic Eggs

    Snake. 2 different ones. My sister had a missing egg like that one time. About 3 years later her help was working in the yard and cleaning out flower beds. She had told him previously that if he runs across any hidden eggs let her know because someone was trying to be sneaky and create herself a...
  3. Ginagallina

    Bantam or regular

    in April I purchased 4 supposedly pullets. All had an egg tooth still attached so I’m thinking that they are within a day or two the same age. The feed store where I got them had just received them that morning. I bought 1-australorp, 1-silver laced wyondotte, and 2 blue laced red wyondottes. I...
  4. Ginagallina

    Gnats killing birds

    Thanks mixedupturk. We missed the bad tornadoes by 6 miles that hit Ruston La. The skin so soft also works great as keeping mosquitoes off of us too. I rub it on before I go to work out in the yard every time. All this rain we are getting is making the mosquito population bad as well.
  5. Ginagallina

    Gnats killing birds

    I read you can use skin so soft from Avon on them. I used this last year as well as this year, and so did my sister on her chickens. I just pour a little in my hands and then wipe the waddles, comb and ear lobes on their head. Then I put a little on their feet. I use very little and then finish...
  6. Ginagallina

    Skipping molting

    Last year I did switch. She also is able to get plenty of feed.
  7. Ginagallina

    Skipping molting

    Thanks. I'm hoping she will molt this fall as she is terrible looking.
  8. Ginagallina

    Skipping molting

    I feed all the girls a good layer feed. I also supplement during times when they are molting with black oil sunflower seeds and mealworms. I don't supplement lighting. I understand it's early in the season for molting because I have one that molts early, she is a heavy molter but feathers are...
  9. Ginagallina

    Skipping molting

    I have a 3 1/2 yr old SLW hen that has skipped molting last year and doesn't appear she will this year either. She lays, eats like all the others in my flock, very active and I can't find any parasites on her at all. She was also wormed as well. Her feathers that she does have are faded on top...
  10. Ginagallina

    Do hens mount each other?!?!?!

    I have 6 hens that are 13 months old. My top hen is a (Rotella) very sweet austrolorpe. She even gives hugs. She isn't a bully by any means but won't tolerate bad behavior in the others. I have a mean barred rock (Rose) that is always trying to take over top position and mean to the ones lower...
  11. Ginagallina

    Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

    Did you not use her eggs during treatment? I am having same problem and about to try your method? My girl is still laying.
  12. Ginagallina

    Summer heat new pullets

    I'm wondering about the summer heat in mid August My pullets will hit laying age at this time, will it delay their laying? I live in northern Louisiana.
  13. Ginagallina


    That's the way I took it, lol like a dog circling till I read the pecking order article.
  14. Ginagallina


    I'm sorry maybe not clear enough. I'm not referring to my toenails but hers. She scratches my legs if my shorts don't go down to my knees.
  15. Ginagallina


    I have just read the article about pecking order. I knew chickens did this but it made a comment that has me wondering about something. It said when a chicken starts pecking you it will build to worse levels if not stopped. I have a very sweet BA that is 8weeks old. She loves to hop up to my...
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