Recent content by ginbart

  1. ginbart

    When will my hen go broody?

    Most chickens the broodiness has been breed out of them. So your chicken may not go broody again, I hope she does for you. If you want a chicken to do that the best one's to get are silkies.
  2. ginbart

    So I ordered Golden Comets

    I have some hens now but no rooster. As I was getting them out I saw a white one then remembered you can tell the different between them because the cockerals are white when they hatch. I thought they changes colors as their feathers came out. But they didn't they are still white. So could I...
  3. ginbart

    Granny's gone and done it again

    I haven't been on here in a while and boy have things changes. I'm going to try and come back as chickens have come and gone. LOL I'll be back.
  4. ginbart

    What is a comet chicken?

    I just ordered 20 Golden Comets and deacon is right they lay great for 2 years then slow down. But they lay jumbo eggs and I keep mine as pets also, I let them free range to help with feed but in the winter mine did not do so good.
  5. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Well my friend needed some chicks so I gave her all of mine. I think I'm going to get some more Golden Comets if I still can. They lay great eggs.
  6. ginbart

    What is a comet chicken?

    Just an update on these. Mine lay Jumbo eggs. I had to buy egg cartons just to close the box and still some eggs are so big I can't close the Jumbo cartons. AND I got another on yesterday that was bigger then this one. Now they don't all lay them that big but that is my hand.
  7. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Here are my babies and a pic of an egg one of my hens laid. I just had to show it. lol
  8. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I'm so glad you said something about pasty butt I forgot all about it. Thanks I'm going to check mine.
  9. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I know it's hard to walk away but I have found most of the time I help they don't make it. BUT like emvickrey said walk away from the bator. lol I hope they make it for you.
  10. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I've had 8 out of 13 hatch so far and I think that's all I'm going to get. I will post pics a little. I don't think thats to bad for not being able to candle. Congrats to all you new mommies and daddy's out there. Here they are, 8 out of 13 I think that will be all I have.
  11. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I have one that hatched yesterday and 3 last night. Two more are pipping that I can see.
  12. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I'm on lock down. HOOT HOOT
  13. ginbart

    Ended Contest #9 - Flapper Contest for the 2015 BYC Easter Hatch A Long

    It's been a long time since I put a picture on here but I'm going to try. Ok that was easy. The dog was not going after the chicken the chicken was going after the dog. lol
  14. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    I'm sorry I haven't been on here much. I do stop in to read but I wanted to make sure I"m right, tomorrow is day 18 right?
  15. ginbart

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    Did you go to TS? I didn't know you could order them there now I need to stop and see if I can. Welsummers are the ones I should have in my bator but I only have EE's.
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