Recent content by Goldenlaced_keeper

  1. G

    No words can describe the joy hotdogs bring my flock

    Short and sweet. Hotdogs are without a doubt my chickens favorite food to eat and fight over. Is this a suitable "treat" to give them a couple times a week
  2. G

    Pecking order questions

    Thanks everyone! This is the 3 in question. Polish is laying atm
  3. G

    Pecking order questions

    Hey guys this is just a quick questiin or discussion on the behavior and pexking order dynamics amongst my flock. No problems or emergencies. Just something i noticed. So my barred rock is the queen hen of the flock. She eats first. She stands on the food. And she always lets my welsummer...
  4. G

    CLUELESS.... and worried

    Thanks everyone. Today I wrapped her in a towel and took the same tool that was used in the article you all recommended I read, and barely teased the tip of the curve down. Tommorrow I will repeat. She behaved and was very patient with me.
  5. G

    CLUELESS.... and worried

    They have complete freedom and she does do that on the porch. The others as well. It looks more like she's cleaning off her beak than filing it. But needless to say she has the means and freedom to do this bit it doesn't seem to be working maybe. The picture is tough but if you zoom in it's...
  6. G

    CLUELESS.... and worried

    Hi everyone. You all are so helpful when ever I have a question and want to do right by my flock. My craziest hen of the bunch. A golden laced polish has a very long beak that just keeps growing. I never would have ever considered trimming was a thing or even accepted in the hobby until a friend...
  7. G

    My hen has completely changed into a trouble maker

    No my barred rock is the lead however she's the only one that won't listen to the barred rock. And she will stand up to the barred rock when she tries to assert dominate over food. It's so funny to see the lead hen doing her thing bossing the others around but then she gets to my problem polish...
  8. G

    My hen has completely changed into a trouble maker

    No she still go's nuts if I'm wearing something she doesn't like. Boots tend to keep her more calm. Buy flip flops are off limits. She has layed tho finally. I kinda just gently kick her away or stand up to her and she will slowly wander away. But if my back is turned she will charge. Since...
  9. G

    Molting early or being attacked?

    Nope stopped when it gets cold and sunlight fades. That's normal. The only way to keep them laying during winter is supplemental light. They will resume in spring.
  10. G

    Molting early or being attacked?

    Thank you all for letting me know I can relax now. So other than her pride she's fine. They will grow back on there own obviously. Okay guys I wonder what would make only her molt
  11. G

    Molting early or being attacked?

    Hey guys! Thabk you ahead of time for any responses. I'm really clueless with this stuff but I love my girls so much. So when something happens I'm always starving for information on what could be going on. So all of my girls are just under a year old. Got them last spring. The one in question...
  12. G

    My hen has completely changed into a trouble maker

    Hello all! Been a while since I have posted a thread. So one of my girls ( golden laced polish) is 9 months old and has suddenly decided to be aggressive towards me. Now it really depends on if I'm wearing flip flops I noticed. But none the less it's annoying to have he grab my leg and kick me...
  13. G

    Is my hen broken?

    Oh they have fake eggs she watches the other girls lay all the time it's funny. Also they are not free range. I just let them out a couple times a day
  14. G

    Is my hen broken?

    Hey all! Thank you in advance for any responses. You are all so helpful when I have a question. Now my girls were all bought back in April. All have been laying regularly for a couple months ths now. But my golden laced polish still hasn't laid a single egg. She is a hen I know that. Because she...
  15. G

    Will my chickens be okay?

    Hey all been a while since I posted I have a question to ease my mind. As it cools off over hear in southern idaho it is beginning to get to 20 degrees f at night. Now I have a coop with a fine upstairs in doors sleeping area that they would go to every night when younger. As they have grown up...
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