Recent content by GrandmaOrpington

  1. GrandmaOrpington

    Predators that don't fear people

    Wow! Your place sounds like the wild, wild West. I encountered a possum on top of my run last night. I live in a small town with lots of neighbors nearby. However, there is a small wooded area just behind our property. This is the first time I've had a predator problem. I don't allow our...
  2. GrandmaOrpington

    Selling Eggs

    No flock (6) problems. Eggs are clean. Instructions concerning egg cleanliness have been clearly communicated to the girls. After further consideration, we have decided not to sell our eggs but just to share with neighbors and family.
  3. GrandmaOrpington

    Selling Eggs

    I don't really know. I understand that there can be liability issues. I may have to rethink this. We did not intend to make our chickens a business. Getting thrown in the slammer over egg sales would suck ! :bow
  4. GrandmaOrpington

    Selling Eggs

    We are recent chicken people. Some people have just asked to buy some of our eggs. We live in Illinois. What price do you charge for a dozen eggs? ( Speak softly. I think they're listening.)
  5. GrandmaOrpington

    Thoughts on nesting box pads

    I have an earlier post concerning this. Try shredded paper. My hens love it and don't kick it out of the box. Read the Amazon reviews for the nesting pads - especially the 1. 2 and 3 ratings before you buy. Shredded paper is free.
  6. GrandmaOrpington

    Thoughts on nesting box pads

    Save your money. Use shredded paper. The hens love it and don't kick it out of the box. This is how the boxes look after two months -- no paper added. Some hens, however, remain in their boxes for two hours or more. Evidently, they are finding something interesting to read. :rolleyes:
  7. GrandmaOrpington

    Im new to the group. 😊

    Happy to see a new member. What kind of chickens do you have? How many? How old? Where are you located? We would like to know more about you and your new chickens !
  8. GrandmaOrpington

    Ended BYC's 15th Annual New Year's Day Hatch-Along—2024—Chilly Coop Contest!

    We purchased a portable carport at the same time as our Rhode Island XL Coop from the Chicken Coop Company because we live in the city and did not have a tree to shade the coop. We recently added plastic as a windbreaker for our run. Our Buff Orpingtons are 8 months old and regularly providing...
  9. GrandmaOrpington

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    I remember stomping on cans in our basement so they could be recycled to support the war effort during WWII. I also remember getting a new cap pistol from my mom to shoot in the street to celebrate the final defeat of Japan. Yep. I'm as old as dirt !
  10. GrandmaOrpington

    Orpingtons won’t sleep in coop

    Love your setup. It almost makes me wish I were a Swedish chicken.
  11. GrandmaOrpington

    Hello from SA

    Welcome. I too raised Coturnix quail for several years but am now in the larger egg game with Buff Orpingtons. This is a good forum. Have a good day.
  12. GrandmaOrpington

    What's the temperature where you are???

    Current temp in Central Illinois is 57 degrees. it was 42 this morning.
  13. GrandmaOrpington

    EE change in behavior (Should I be concerned?)

    It doesn't appear that you have a serious chicken problem. The solution to your most serious concern may be to isolate mom. :barnie
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