Recent content by gtourtel

  1. gtourtel

    Sick Chicken

    We have 1 rooster and 12 hens they have started to free range again we keep them in during the winter. One of the chickens that is 2 years old is acting strange. She stays all hunched up close to the ground and her face, comb and waddle are very pale she doesn't seem to be eating. We threw out...
  2. gtourtel

    Comment by 'gtourtel' in article 'Factors that Influence & Affect Egg Laying'

    I fed my chickens more protein in the winter and they went from1-2 eggs a day to 6-7 a day. One day I got 11 eggs and I only have 13 hens.
  3. gtourtel

    Is there something wrong with my chicken?

    I have a Black Astrolorp named Gertrude she is blind in one eye from and attack. We have had her for almost a year she is about 2-1/2 years old. For the past 3 or 4 days she has not been out of the coop (we free range). She is always on the perch when I go into the coop and she holds her tail...
  4. gtourtel

    Lost feathers

    I have 13 hens and 1 roo. I have 4 hens that have lost feathers from over mating especially Buddy's favorite. I have read about getting or making saddles for them. Where would I go to purchase these or how would I go about making some? I can't seem to find any mention of them any where else...
  5. gtourtel

    Integrating Two flocks Older Chickens

    I do have a shed I may be able to cordon off a section for a short time. Would you suggest letting the new birds out to free range right off or should I keep them penned up for a few days? I wouldn't have a run for the shed so they would free range with the others.
  6. gtourtel

    Integrating Two flocks Older Chickens

    Someone has offered me 8 laying hens all about 1-1/2 years old. I currentley have 4 hens 6-1/2 months and 1 roo 5 months. How should I go about intergrating them? My coop is 8'x6'x7' with a run 12'x6'. My chickens are free ranged the others currently are not, they will be if I take them. I do...
  7. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    We really love him my husband has informed me we will not be eating Buddy!!!
  8. gtourtel


    I live in Wilton Maine and have 6 free range chickens 5 hens 1 roo. My question is what do we do in the winter. Do we coop them all winter? What do we feed them through the winter months to supplement what they are not getting from free range? We do have a run for them can we let them out in the...
  9. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    I don't believe we do, the girls get after him occasionaly but it's when they are eating and don't want to share so they drive him away.We haven't noticed them plucking at his feathers and haven't an unusual amount of feathers other than normal shedding. He has never had a sign of tail feathers...
  10. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    Does that mean that he will get a real tail? My husband keeps asking where his tail is. He thinks he's funny looking without it. He is our favorite of all he is so friendly my husband holds him and talks to him every night before we put them in to roost. .
  11. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    Don't know what the saddle feathers are but good to know he is a roo. When do they start crowing??
  12. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    Had to go take a picture all the ones I had my husband was holding him.
  13. gtourtel

    How To Sex A Chicken - Wisdom From An Old Timer

    I am new to the chicken world and wanted to know how to sex a chicken. After reading a bit more I guess they are vent sexed at the factory. I have a BO "roo" bought at about 6-8 weeks is now 5 months and has not started crowing. I also have 5 hens, not BO, 6 months old that have started laying...
  14. gtourtel

    Roo or Pullet?

    I have a Buff Orpington that is about 5 months old I also have 5 pullets not BO. I was told it was a roo when I purchased it. He hasn't started crowing yet when should I expect he to start, or should I change his name from Buddy to Budette.
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