Recent content by guambirder

  1. guambirder

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Thank you for your quick response. I will try to find Chirpy's mother first thing in the morning! Hopefully Chirpy will be walking by then. Right now she is sleeping and her feathers are drying (starting to fluff up). The chick's mother is a wild hen so I hope she has not wandered too far into...
  2. guambirder

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Dear, Last night I arrived home to discover that the hen nesting in the tree in my yard had hatched her eggs but, two of the chicks were on the ground chirping away. I found them in the dark and gently placed them back into the nest without their mother knowing. In the...
  3. guambirder

    Intervention: Helping Your Chicks Hatch

    Dear, Last night I arrived home to discover that the hen nesting in the tree in my yard had hatched her eggs but, two of the chicks were on the ground chirping away. I found them in the dark and gently placed them back into the nest without their mother knowing. In the...
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