Recent content by Guernsy

  1. Guernsy

    Hanging feeders?

    Could you please post some pictures. I would like to see your set up. I have a hard time visualizing it. I have the same problem and would like to improve my system. Thank you
  2. Guernsy

    Loving chicken killed by a racoon

    Are we still talking coons or rats here? Sorry, I am confused. Do the rats like the chocolate ex-lax? How do they get into the bucket? Does the ex-lax kill them? Is the marshmallow just bait for them to come back? I am new at this and I thought we had the coop pretty predator proofed. However...
  3. Guernsy

    Loving chicken killed by a racoon

    Do you put that cat food water bottle in the trap? Why not just a can of cat food? What does the cat food in the water bottle do to catch the coons? Thanks, I am curious.
  4. Guernsy

    Best Automatic Coop Door Opener? (Chicken Guard Door Was a Flop)

    Do you think this door can be used with a timer instead of the light sensor? I live in northern CA and we have a lot of fog or overcast. The light sensors get confused with our weather, lol.
  5. Guernsy

    Best Automatic Coop Door Opener? (Chicken Guard Door Was a Flop)

    We bought the same model and have nothing but problems with it. We tried to contact the support and they are not helpful. They wanted us to uninstall the motor and take it apart. I am not a tech person so their instructions (via email once they finally arrived) made no sense. Therefore, the door...
  6. Guernsy

    Comment by 'Guernsy' in article 'How To Fix A Muddy Run Chicken Coop'

    I like the idea of scattering grains and seeds in the run and converting it into a green space for the chickens. However, I am always afraid of rodents coming into the run, if there is any type of food around. How do solve that issue? Our coop and run is pretty predator safe. However, the rats...
  7. Guernsy

    How to Keep Duck's Feed Dry

    Hello, I know this might be an old post, however, I just stumbled over it now. I have ducks and they are messy. Where did you get that feeder? Do you have chickens too? Can they use that feeder as well? Do you keep that feeder out at night? Any rat/rodent problems with the feeder? I also like...
  8. Guernsy

    How to Keep Duck's Feed Dry

    I am having the same problem with rain and wet food right now. I like your idea. However, I never thought of using this type of feeder. Can ducks eat out of this kind of feeder? Can they get their bills in it? Thanks
  9. Guernsy

    Automatic doors

    Hello I have 10 chickens and 4 ducks (two pekin and 2 black runners). They share a somewhat decent coop run but have their own coops for the night. Chicken and ducks have their own coops that lead into the coop run. The chickens have an automatic door that has been broken (it was a cheap amazon...
  10. Guernsy

    Cleaning my coop - advice

    So what are "poop boards"? Would I have wood shavings and then "poop boards" with sand on top of them? I think that would cover pretty much my entire coop since my roosting bars are spread out across the coop in a Zick zack pattern. Do you just use cardboard? How do you pick up the poop? Do you...
  11. Guernsy

    Cleaning my coop - advice

    Hi My ducks and chickens (4 ducks and 10 chickens) live somewhat together. The chickens have their own coop with nesting boxes and roosting bars and the ducks also have a little coop across from them. They are connected by an enclosed run. Early in the morning around 7:30 I will let the ducks...
  12. Guernsy

    California - Northern

  13. Guernsy

    Have to ask..ever have a hen who just never laid an egg?

    Interesting thread. I have three hens that are not laying (out of 10). One is just an oddball. She laid a couple of eggs a while ago, but they were soft and she just dropped them in the coop right of the roosting bar. Never laid again (yes, they have access to oyster shells). The others were...
  14. Guernsy

    Duck egg question

    What is a skunk run? You keep skunks? I would love to just have them free roam and have them separate from the chickens. We would have the space, but we also have raccoons, foxes, and other critters. I am worried they would get eaten or hurt. A long time ago when we lived in Palo Alto (which is...
  15. Guernsy

    Duck egg question

    My ducks started laying eggs. I can not figure out which duck is laying what egg, but I guess that doesn't really matter. First I had two eggs, then I had one egg every day, now I have two eggs again. The shape is slightly different, therefore, I have the feeling that one egg must be coming...
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