Recent content by halfpynt

  1. halfpynt

    Need Help introducing new pullet to our clutch

    Our Chicken clutch consisted of what we thought was six hens,,, and as they grew,, it became clear that our "Penny" may be a "Lenny" . Once he started to crow, we had to get rid of him because of local ordinances,, so a few days ago,, we had to trade our Cockerel for a Pullet ,, Unfortunately...
  2. halfpynt

    Calcium vs oyster shell ??

    Hi,,, we are new to raising chickens,, our girls were born in April,, and should be about to start laying soon. We bought our next bag of food, and got layer to mix with their grower that they are on right now. I also bought a bag of calcium chips ,, and am not sure how to mix that in ,, or...
  3. halfpynt

    flooring for pen ...

    We Have a Coop inside a penned in area ,, . The Coop is off the ground, The Pen is about 13x13 . The area used to have pea gravel.... on the ground,, We shoveled most of it out , and are debating what to use aside from the pea gravel that is left , and dirt that is under that ,, How much...
  4. halfpynt

    Is it a rooster ???

    Hi ,,, I was told when i bought my six chicks ,, that they were all girls... I have a feeling , as they are growing,, that one of them is a boy. How can i know for sure ,, We have 2 Plymoth barred Rocks 2 black Sexlinks, and 2 New hampshire Reds,, All of the others look exactly like each...
  5. halfpynt

    Black Sexlinks

    :flCool !! Thanks !
  6. halfpynt

    Black Sexlinks

    Does anyone know about sexlink breed ? We have two of them,, ,they are black all over..... Cant find any pics of what they will look like when fully grown..
  7. halfpynt

    Poopy Butts ....

    great ! i was worried ,,, Thanks !
  8. halfpynt

    which vaccinations to give ??

    Hi new to chick raising ,,,, we have 6 girls,,, and plan on keeping them as pets// egg layers... Do most of you take your chickens to a vet when you get them to have them vaccinated,, ?? or do you buy the vaccination meds online like some sites sell , and do it yourselves ??
  9. halfpynt

    Poopy Butts ....

    Will it always be that way with them,,,, dirty butts like that , or will that go away .>>?
  10. halfpynt

    Poopy Butts ....

    Thank you .... you were the only one brave enough to answer that ... lol
  11. halfpynt

    Poopy Butts ....

    Help,,, We have 6 girls ,,, 2 weeks old .. and they all except for two ,, get really bad poop stuck to their butts ... the other day i couldnt take it anymore ,, so i took them one by one and gently put their butts in warm water ( no soap , just water ) and washed them all off . but on...
  12. halfpynt

    Need Names

    MIne are named Penny and Rosy Rita and Lola and ... Whoopie and Oprah .... They are all girls ,, two of the same of each ...
  13. halfpynt

    How old are my chicks

    Hi all I got my chicks from a pet store ,,,, actually my husband did,, and is not exactly sure how old they are . They are tiny,,, still fuzzy,, but starting to get different more mature feathers on their wings... and are just starting to scratch .... Any help ? We want to make sure we...
  14. halfpynt

    Turkey vultures ......

    AHH i feel better now hearing that .... lol The bears are actually what i was worried most about ,,, but now it seems i dont have to be worried about that .... Raccoons ive never seen in our area ,, but im sure they are around... we have tons of woods nearby . thank you !!!
  15. halfpynt

    Turkey vultures ......

    HELP .. I am new to raising chickens ,,,, exactly three days new .... and i am researching where to put the coop and have a spot picked out that we think will be great. But in the open lot next to our house there is a few huge old pine trees that hold a roost of its own .... of about 20 or...
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