Recent content by HalleysChicks

  1. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Aww. Good luck on your other 2 babies! Maybe put them in a closet on a heading pad and run a humidifier? Or walk around with them in your bra lol. But fingers crossed :)
  2. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Drumroll please... it's 1 chick lol. The biggest one so far 🤣 He or she is looking healthy. 5 more eggs left to hatch!
  3. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    The top pip is zipping!
  4. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Another update. Just noticed the pipped twin egg has..... 2 pips!
  5. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    An evening update! 10 out of the 16 eggs have hatched and they're all looking good. 4 more eggs have pipped, including 1 of the maybe twins. The other twin egg hasn't done anything yet. Getting closer and closer!
  6. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Woke up this morning to one of the babies hatched :) I'm ready to meet the rest of them!
  7. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Tomorrow is finally day 21! So far 7 out of 16 have pipped. Nothing yet on the 2 suspected twin eggs, but we'll see in the morning. :) Fingers crossed.
  8. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    It's day 19. The eggs are in lockdown and the suspected twin eggs were alive and kicking. We'll know in a few days :)
  9. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Day 15 update. Today I noticed that there appear to be 2 yolks. I saw movement on the left side of the egg, and made out a break and kicking feet on the right side. Whether it's 1 or 2, it or they are still alive and kicking.
  10. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Today is day 14. It's getting harder to see inside the eggs, but there's still a lot of movement. I'm not positive that it's twins, but if so - they're still kicking.
  11. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Agree. It's so much more clear in person. If I get a better video next time I candle, I'll post it.
  12. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Here is the second egg.
  13. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    I'm certainly not sure. But I'm going to continue to watch it. It's pretty tough to make it show on video.
  14. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    I'll keep updating the thread. Both of the double yolk eggs are from cream crested legbars. It's very interesting for sure!
  15. H

    Twins? Candling day 11

    Thank you! That makes sense. I had 1 more egg that I was wondering about. I just checked it again, and it also looks like twins lol. I guess their chickens are very fertile. Will be interesting to see how it plays out
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