Recent content by HappyChooks14

  1. H

    Hen or rooster?

    Looks like the one at the back is a silkie, love the hair do! Not sure which gender. We could only tell with ours when they started to lay.
  2. H

    Which gender are our 12 week old black copper maran & bantam arucana?

    Hi fellow chooky lovers, We wanted to call on your collective experienes & expertise to help us determine the genders of our 12 week old Black Copper Maran and Bantam Arucana chicks (the arucana has a bit of lavender through the beard, which makes (hopefully) her look a bit scruffy) We are a...
  3. H

    Black Copper Marans, 12 weeks, Male or Female??? PICS

    Ok, I'll do my own thread with some pics
  4. H

    Black Copper Marans, 12 weeks, Male or Female??? PICS

    Hey guys, we have a 12 week old maran youngster & struggling to determine if it's a pullet or a roo, just wondering, did these predictions turn out to be correct? Ours looks more like number 1 of the 3 pictured after the initial image 🐔🐣
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