Recent content by harmonymw

  1. harmonymw


  2. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    I’m sure we have predators in the area, but we’ve never had them in our yard, run, or coop. We have two mean barn cats and three dogs who guard the property pretty closely. The coop and run are themselves within our property fence and the run is covered. None of our birds have ever been harmed. Idk.
  3. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    My wife wants to put a WiFi camera in the coop.
  4. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    Liza seems fine. Maybe none of the eggs were viable?
  5. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    I have no idea. We don’t have predator issues at all. All my birds are fine. Whatever happened must’ve happened to the others that went missing a couple of weeks ago.
  6. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    Update: just checked the nest. All the eggs are gone. :( There was a single partial shell and nothing else in the coop or runs. I should’ve taken them from her, I guess.
  7. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    Her nest isn’t easily accessible, either. I have to kneel under a big wood shelf. I’ve been just checking that they’re all there, but Beyoncé has actually been sitting while Liza eats and swims, so I haven’t seen them in a day or so.
  8. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    No I’m too lazy
  9. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    That’s my whole issue. I have no clue.
  10. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    @thumper650 congratulations!
  11. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    Okay, good. Yeah they both seemed completely content. Beyoncé is a very gentle hen.
  12. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    This is Beyoncé, my Buff Orpington. Liza isn’t upset about her being on the nest. They were actually kind of snuggled up before I started taking pictures. The eggs are intact and fine.
  13. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    wtf Is going on here?
  14. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    I had nightmares about the lost baby all night. Sometimes I hate farm life. :(
  15. harmonymw

    Sneaky Pekin

    Okay, I checked the nest after she got up to have a swim. There are still three. Two are very dark, which I assume is the color of the duckling showing through. One looks more like it was recently laid, so idk about that one. I guess it could be just a really light duckling since they’re SA...
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