Recent content by hawtchick

  1. hawtchick

    mama hen left her last 3 eggs

    So this happened with our first mama who had been sitting on 9 eggs, 3 weeks ago. She hatched 5, and she left the rest of the eggs and we lost them. I don't want that to happen with our newest mama who just hatched 2 out of 5 eggs. She was on her eggs this morning in the nest box this morning...
  2. hawtchick

    Mama hen took her new chicks died from the cold!!

    I did put a light on them with her, but should I put a fence or something around her? I think she wants to get out and eat and poo, but she will take the chicks with her if she does that. :(
  3. hawtchick

    updated with image need help please I found a baby chick that I was not expecting

    We just had a surprise hatch as well, so I left mama and the babies in the coop, but I used a rubbermaid tote I put on it's side, on the ground, so it was like a nesting box and the babies can get it and out of it to get to the food and mama can get in and out. The only thing I have run into is...
  4. hawtchick

    Mama hen took her new chicks died from the cold!!

    So my bantam Cochin is a mama for the first time and the babies are 3-5 days old. The 3 day old one was the one that died. It was shivering when it was outside, and I put it back under it's mom, but when I checked on it 2 hours later, mama had taken them all out to the yard, and the littlest...
  5. hawtchick

    Giant surprise!!!! We have baby chicks!

    Yes they can. I laid it on it's side, so it was like a nest box with no front. She and the babies seem much happier!!!
  6. hawtchick

    Giant surprise!!!! We have baby chicks!

    I decided to make her a floor level nest box with a rubbermaid container. I moved her eggs and the chicks to it. The chicks quieted down immediately and she was happy to get them back under her. I feel much better about this!!! They are still in the coop and not separated, just a special...
  7. hawtchick

    Giant surprise!!!! We have baby chicks!

    what about her other eggs she is sitting on? what about the other birds in the coop???? I am worried they will hurt the chicks.
  8. hawtchick

    Giant surprise!!!! We have baby chicks!

    Hi! I went out to collect eggs this morning and found a huge surprise!!! My bantam cochin hatched 4 eggs sometime yesterday. # babies made it, and now I don't know what to do. They had been in her nest box under her, but they need food and water and all we have in there is water and food...
  9. hawtchick

    We have 48, 4-5 week old cornish much food??

    Thank you, but how much food should 50 birds be going through at this point?
  10. hawtchick

    We have 48, 4-5 week old cornish much food??

    So I think our bird are out of control. they are currently eating Chick grower, blue seal organic, 20%. We are going through insane amounts of food....some is waste but I can't afford this. More than 100 pounds a week......should I be with holding food at this point? We have never done so...
  11. hawtchick

    I may have a broody mess on my hands!!

    ok, I will try not to ramble.... I have an 18 month old Columbian Wyandotte who has gone broody. Not a problem. The problem is, is that she is sitting approximately 20-30 eggs, and we do not know how long she has been on them all, AND all of our other darn hens go into her nest box when she...
  12. hawtchick

    Introducing roo to existing flock

    Hi! Usually I know things like this but I feel like I need a second opinion. Friends of ours can no longer keep their Brahma roo who is approx 16-18 weeks old. Too much crowing for the neighbors. We live in the country and have had fox issues so our flock had dwindled down to 7 hens. No...
  13. hawtchick


    I am not even sure if this is where I should post this or how appropriate this is.... We have been dealing with a very smart fox all spring....we have lost 8 birds and now we have had it. We have tried doing the stake out...hens out free ranging while we wait with a shotgun from afar...but he...
  14. hawtchick

    We processed our cornish X's yesterday

    We had lots of help and rented a Featherman plucker for $30. Best $30 ever spent. We kept our scald water at 145-150 for about 20 sec per bird and the plucker did the rest. 3 birds at a time and after 20 secs or so, they were bald. Just one or 2 tail feather pins left to pull. Amazing!!!! We...
  15. hawtchick

    TINY Mystery Egg!

    I just found this thread and read it from start to finish. How exciting!!! I hope Pippin thrives and lives a long life. I hope as time allows, you can add some pics too. Thanks for sharing this story!
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