Recent content by Helanaii

  1. Helanaii

    Where are my Roo tamers at- evil roo.

    —- I’m so happy I couldn’t bring myself to put him down, now look at him. He’s a little girls favorite pet ♥️ His attitude changed when the other Roos hit maturity and yet another dog was added to the family. It was just too much for him to handle apparently and his way to show it was by...
  2. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    He was definitely my favorite pet of the list, even outranked my cat 🤣 I’m trying- he wasn’t supposed to be out. Mom thinks she broke her foot and he ran past but she couldn’t catch him- just a long list of unfortunate events. Work is letting me come in an hour later from now on so at least I...
  3. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    sad update: I started working and mom had to let the birds out today, Crackhead ran off and wouldn’t let her catch him, so when she let the dogs out she didn’t pay attention and they attacked him. came home and he was slowly dying so I had my dad euthanize him.
  4. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Thank you for the help <3 He finally started to lay down late last night, slept through the night. he was doing much better today, even started crowing his head off so I put him back outside under adult supervision. He has dark red splotches on his back I couldn’t get pictures of (he wouldn’t...
  5. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Will do!! Poor baby, I’ve never had them in shock this long before
  6. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    He’s not eating, won’t drink hardly anything- and he hasn’t laid down at all. Not even during the night when he was supposed to be sleeping when I checked on him. He’s hunched up and still has green stressed mucus-y poop. /: My mom said they found him on his back, I’m wondering if he could’ve...
  7. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Got it, thank you 🥺♥️ He’s already pooped on me, I’ll take it as a good sign.
  8. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Thank you! Yes he’s looking a lot better physically. He’s acting strange now, literally has not moved, but I’m hoping he’s just tired and is back to himself tomorrow. Thank you guys for the help <3 I was really expecting it to be a lot worse.
  9. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Thank you! I chickened out (lol) and just used a safe bacitracine for the skin. Gave him a bath, fluff-dryed, and scootched some feathers around. He’s still just standing in one place, not moving much. I got him to drink, he’s just not acting right. It’s been about 7 hours since the attack...
  10. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    I have a controlled iodine spray in my chicken emergency kit, I can use that right on the wound right? I’ve had chickens for like 12+ years and I’ve been blessed enough to never have to do this before. 😭
  11. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Should I wait for him to come out of shock or give him a little bath and clean the wounds asap?
  12. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    Will do! Thank you! My brother got a dog and dumped it on us. (,:
  13. Helanaii

    Dog attack and Extreme shock

    My irresponsible brother got a new dog a few weeks ago. She’s mostly left my chickens alone but today she got the other two dogs to chase and maul my birds while I was away at church. They all gained up on my poor sweet Batam roo and ripped his feathers out. His entire back is wet with blood...
  14. Helanaii

    Where are my Roo tamers at- evil roo.

    Thank you! He’s on a new farm now and he follows the new owner around like a puppy dog looking for treats and scratches. He has a huge flock to look after now, I’m so happy it worked out!
  15. Helanaii

    Where are my Roo tamers at- evil roo.

    That’s a good rant- I bet that meal was mighty tasty 😌 If I had to carry a stick around, I guarantee that roo wouldn’t be alive. 🤣
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