Recent content by hellfire

  1. hellfire

    Sick to death of mycoplasma

    It was a reputable breeder big shop in my neck of the woods. Proper registered business.
  2. hellfire

    Sick to death of mycoplasma

    The place I bought them from was a reputable breeder dealer full blown poultry shop big company. They told me after that they don’t vaccinate the pure breeds only the hybrid hens. So no flea market back yard breeder or anything of the sort. A well known place in my neck of the woods UK who over...
  3. hellfire

    Sick to death of mycoplasma

    Anyone have the same? Many many years ago I bought two new hens from a local shop and as always quarantine them. After I introduced them they got sick and so did the rest of my flock. Turned out the two new ones were mycoplasma positive. Ever since then it rears it’s head now and then especially...
  4. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Drying up and scabbing up nicely. Still looks terrible but it’s healing slowly. Both eyes are normal now.
  5. hellfire

    River system incubator any good?

    I bought myself the next step up in the end a Rcom kingsuro Max 20
  6. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Sorry to hear about your turkey. Ive used Manuka honey on my ferrets in the past after ops etc with great success. I do actually still have a tube of medical honey. I’ve been using a antibacterial wound spray twice a day. She has a bowl of water deep enough for her eyes and nostrils just not...
  7. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Thank you. Yes I was pleased to see her seeing me today! I’ll keep the post updated on her progress. Just hope she heals up well. Really important to keep the wound clean. The bowl of water I’ve given her is just deep enough to clear her nostrils but not submerge her head as was concerned she...
  8. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Well her eyes opened today and she can see. Damage to one eye lid with a nick out the top and the inner membrane is down over but the other eye looks to be fine. She’s been stuffing her face with food all day which I’m happy about.
  9. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Thank you. It is indeed the skull and yes does look to be slight damage to it but no actual cracks or anywhere that’s exposed the inner membrane or her brain. I am prepared for the poor girl to drop dead or have neurological issues. If she recovers and can live a happy quality of life that...
  10. hellfire

    Broad Breasted White Turkey.....Is It True??

    I rear bbw on a relatively large scale for Xmas along with bourbon reds. I have been able to keep some alive for 3 years but hens only and plenty of room to roam around. Sadly most get too big then they go off their legs or suffer breathing and other difficulties due to the weight gain. I’ve...
  11. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Success I got her to eat! Not a lot but better than nothing. I decided to make a real pellet mash as she was drinking well. She started drinking it then eating the chunks in it. Just been checking her very regularly as she’s not opened her eyes yet and worried she won’t find the food and water...
  12. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    WARNING! Graphic picture
  13. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    I’ve been cleaning twice daily with sterile saline solution as thought that was the best bet. Have undressed the wound now as the bleeding had stopped. Looks terrible still and she still won’t eat. Thinking I make a slush and put it in her mouth maybe? Don’t even want to syringe into her croup...
  14. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    Thank you. Did you use anything on the wound like antibiotic cream? I’m just concerned about putting anything on a skull! Or just clean daily? She’s drinking regularly which is good but not eaten yet.
  15. hellfire

    Scalped duck injury

    I wasn’t sure if I should leave it open to the air and also was wary of putting ointment onto a exposed skull. I think it does need stitches to be honest but the cost would be astronomical and sadly and I may get shot down for this, I’d not be willing to pay out £100 for that. I had a vet tend...
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