Recent content by HennyTerri83

  1. HennyTerri83

    An excuse to talk chicken with yaw'll . . . flock plans

    they weren’t boring, that’s for sure, and EGG-cellentt layers, but too loud for my neighbors and NOT friendly!!!! if i had a gigantic flock, it wouldn’t have been so glaring, but at the time I only had 7-8 and having so many loud, un-friendly birds was a tough sell!!! the FBCM and easter eggers...
  2. HennyTerri83

    An excuse to talk chicken with yaw'll . . . flock plans

    I’m from the South Shore of Boston, so I *had* to get some Plymouth rocks! I also heard they were friendly and good w kids, but mine were total beehotches!!! lol and they’d stand on the ramp from the coop to the run and SCREAM at the top of their lungs when they laid 😂 had to rehome them to...
  3. HennyTerri83

    Four colors of Starlight Green Eggers

    one of my starlight’s, Clementine, laid her first egg today! She’s in the front of the pic, closest to me. she’s the lighter of my two and laid a gorgeous egg! i had expected more of a mint color, but I much prefer this! i also added a photo of her egg (left) with my olive egger’s first egg (yes...
  4. HennyTerri83

    The crowing FEMALE sebright

    I had a barred rock pullet who would absolutely SCREAM after she laid an egg. she would stand on the ramp from the coop to the run, and just LET EVERYONE KNOW about it! It was kind of a disruptive thing for my particular neighborhood, so we did regime her and her sister (but we rehomed them to a...
  5. HennyTerri83

    Starlight green egger and sapphire gem genders

    here is a current pic of my two starlight greens! Clementine on the left and Ginger on the right. 🥰 they’re about 11 weeks old now.
  6. HennyTerri83

    Starlight green egger and sapphire gem genders

    i’ve gotten cockerels from pullet bins at TS. good news is w proof, they’ll give you new birds. bad news is you’ll need to regime them yourself. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  7. HennyTerri83

    Four colors of Starlight Green Eggers

    if any of yours are boys it’ll be easy to tell soon! they’ll be getting pink and red in the comb, when they should until close to the point if kay in a pullet. i found that out the hard way last year with some 😂
  8. HennyTerri83

    Convince me what the best breed is!

    I’d say EE bc mine lay so prolifically - but you have some! I have Olive Eggers, too, and their eggs are STUNNING to round out our egg baskets. we are in the process of integrating baby black copper marans and they are SO SWEET! they won’t lay often bc of the shade of their eggs, but I just...
  9. HennyTerri83

    Weird egg(s), should I be concerned

    So funny, must be an EE thing! My Apple girl consistently lays bumpy calcium eggs, no matter what!
  10. HennyTerri83

    Hen laid a soft shell egg today...

    i mean, yes, but sometimes the chunks of calcium come off and it literally breaks the shell open. they’re very glass-like. a completely different shell than my typical laying girls are giving me. just weird, and wish she’d go back to the way she started 😭
  11. HennyTerri83

    Hen laid a soft shell egg today...

    while we are on the subject, can i flip it? one of my semi-new layers (laying maybe 3 months?) started great! now she’s consistent with these eggs - i know it’s calcium but she’s getting the same as everyone else. some days are worse than others. here’s one from today (left) and what she...
  12. HennyTerri83

    Easter Egger? Ameraucanas?

    EE’s are my fav. I bought ‘Ameraucanas’ from TS - but one has green legs and one has slate. Not sure but probably not pure 😉 with that being said, they are EXCELLENT layers! their eggs, coupled with my GLW are the most consistent, and they’re easily my friendliest. Stinky to be lied to but i’m...
  13. HennyTerri83

    Hen laid a soft shell egg today...

    i had this issue recently with one of my GLW. she’s about the same age as yours. regular eggs, never an issue, soft shell 2x then...NO SHELL! talk about reaching into the nesting box and feeling something WRONG! haha my girls are on great quality organic layer feed, always have oyster shell...
  14. HennyTerri83

    Broody hens wont break

    chicken is better. 36 hours in the cage did the trick 😉 thanks for your help!
  15. HennyTerri83

    Broody hens wont break

    ahhh. ok. my husband and i just went out to check and she was definitely still in the box. puffed up like a turkey when i opened the box lid 😂 we got her i to the garage in a dog crate. food and water. will need a better idea for those two aspects but tonight at least she’s out of the box. will...
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