Recent content by Henrietta23

  1. Henrietta23

    from Connecticut

    hello from Eastern CT. Your roo looks a bit like my George! He came from an egg shipped to me by a former BYC member in California! His father was a buff silkie and she guessed mom must have been one of her whites. I was going to post a picture but don't seem to know how to post one from...
  2. Henrietta23

    Henrietta23s Page

    Felted Bowl by Henrietta23 Halloween 2007 Ringo the Rabbit Petting Adam (a family friend)
  3. Henrietta23


    Beth G. : Glad you didn't lose power! Sorry to hear about all the make up days for school though That stinks for teachers, kids, and parents Quote: They went back today. No decisions about when the rest of the days will be made up until the December Board of Ed meeting. Guess we won't be...
  4. Henrietta23


    Glad to hear most of you have your power back! We were among the lucky who only lost our cable for a day. However my Dh teaches in Tolland where almost half the homes still have no power and they have canceled school yet again tomorrow. They canceled their professional development day on...
  5. Henrietta23


    Hahaha!! That's it! It was MooseHill!!! How funny you'd pop right when I couldn't remember your name. Getting old stinks!!
  6. Henrietta23


    Beth G. : Where were you on Saturday? We had a great time at the Chicken Get-together in Derby, CT!!! You probably could have car pooled with jimmythechicken and little blue Quote: Not hardly. I've been here for years.... and I'm one town away from you! I was at a Cub Scout event with my...
  7. Henrietta23


    Quote: Not hardly. I've been here for years.... and I'm one town away from you!
  8. Henrietta23


    Quote: No, but my ducks have been. I've got three sisters who have been together since hatching. For two days two have them have been fighting. The third is too busy with her almost grown ducklings to get involved. It is just weird. We are cleaning the yard up of things that might fly around...
  9. Henrietta23

    Bento Box Fever!

    It's back to school time and my bento loving boy is now going into 4th grade with 13 different food allergies and sensitivities! I've been dealing with it since the end of 2nd grade. Something made me think of this old thread and thought maybe I'd find some new ideas and inspiration. So...
  10. Henrietta23

    mixed breed ducks Pics!

    We kept ours confined for a week while we were away and that seems to have broken the cycle for now.
  11. Henrietta23

    mixed breed ducks Pics!

    Aw! We have too many too and were going to get rid of the two babies but we fell in love with them. Sigh. The next duck that hid a nest had her eggs taken away as soon as I found her because we don't need any more!!
  12. Henrietta23

    mixed breed ducks Pics!

    Quote: Aw! I just love "his" spotty face! And the bill is just tooo much!
  13. Henrietta23

    mixed breed ducks Pics!

    Quote: I know! And in the end it doesn't even matter what they are because they're mixed breeds and my backyard pets. The splotchy blue was named Petunia by my son, a guarantee that he will be a drake, right!? We may call him Pete but I think it's kind of funny if we have a drake waddling...
  14. Henrietta23

    mixed breed ducks Pics!

    I'm glad I've only got the two!
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