Recent content by HeritageHens

  1. HeritageHens

    I cannot belive my eyes - A chicken who does not like worms.

    When my chickens were just chicks, I only had 1 that would eat worms. I've now noticed that my pullets who have started laying are all really fond of worms. Their interrest in worms was very sudden with the production of eggs so I'm guessing they just want the extra protein. I have one holdout...
  2. HeritageHens

    Switch from whole grains to Cascade by Magill Ranch??

    Why don't you order a bag or two and see if you and the hens are happy? I supplement the Cascade food with some sprouted oats and chopped spinach every day. My pullets are doing great but you need to be the one to judge the results for yourself.
  3. HeritageHens

    Two super-foods that love the heat!

    Newbie in Screamer Al, : I ditto the Collards. x3 I let the chickens clean up the garden last fall. The collard greens were the first thing to go. They had access to spinach as well but much preferred the collards.
  4. HeritageHens

    Can chickens eat Jalapeno Corn Bread?

    I believe that chickens cannot taste hot or spice. I know that is the case for wild birds as people put hot spices in the bird food to make it distasteful to squirrels.
  5. HeritageHens

    Cascade Layer Poultry Feed, Organic...Anyone use?UPDATED: Got my feed!

    Quote: And Azure delivers into the Rocky Mountain/northern midwest states too! The food is well worth the money - an excellent product.
  6. HeritageHens

    Grr, okay, what breeds should I get?

    My BO Cashew is a bossy top dog of the flock. I'm not too fond of her but she is a good layer. When she has something to say, she is LOUD about it (like "what took you so long to get out here?"). Quote: Keep in mind that the Black Australorp is so dark that they reflect green. They are really...
  7. HeritageHens

    best brand of chicken feed?

    Quote: Oh yes. One of my chicks suffered a major vitamin B deficiency episode using that cr*p "food" (chick acted "drunk - search here told he about mega vitamin b therapy and, due to quick intervention, within 36 hours he was able to walk again). For commerically made foods, I believe that...
  8. HeritageHens

    Minerals for my chicken??

    I allow my girls to access Redmond Conditioner , which I bought at a feed store. I put it in their dust bath area - which is also where they get their treats, thus they consume some when they scratch around the area. Some people use Fertrells Nutri Balancer but my girls have free access to kelp...
  9. HeritageHens

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    Quote: Count your lucky stars. My BO, Cashew, doesn't know how to shut up! She is the head honcho and talks all the time when she thinks anybody is listening. And she hasn't even laid an egg yet but is squatting for me. I should have named her Chatty Cathy but didn't want to offend the Cathy's...
  10. HeritageHens

    Get over to your local coffee roaster and relieve them of their chaff!

    I mix chaff 50/50 with shavings. It works great! I'll do anything as an excuse to go to my favorite coffee roaster and get a great cup of coffee - I mean bag of chaff! Oh, and while you are there, ask your roaster if they have any extra burlap bags from the beans. I've gotten hundreds for...
  11. HeritageHens

    Managing flock in Collapsing Economy: Bye Bye Birdies.

    Quote: I would say that I'm jealous of your place - until I read about this one. I wish I had acreage but will have to do with what I have here. To the OP, make yourself as self-sufficient as you can given your resources. Grow a garden (in ground, raised beds, or containers), plant some...
  12. HeritageHens can you afford to feed your chickens

    Quote: This was my thought too. Is there somewhere else you can trim your budget? In my mind, it's garbage in, garbage out. I feed all my pets very high quality foods and cut costs elsewhere. It's better for their health - and mine. The organic soy/corn free feed I use is abot $30/50 pounds...
  13. HeritageHens

    Multiple eggs?? & egg colors

    I couldn't have missed the eggs the first time; they were right in the middle of the run floor (not very creative!). I just have no clue who the second layer would be. Is it impossible to get 2 small eggs from one chicken within 3 hours? I know the eggs take 26 hours to form so my question is...
  14. HeritageHens

    Multiple eggs?? & egg colors

    I got my first egg(s) today! But I'm also puzzled. I know that my Black Australorp, Blackberry, laid one. She's been showing signs for about a week that she was close so that's a given. None of the other girls are showing the same "any day" signs. However, this morning I had 2 eggs on the run...
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