Recent content by hermit01

  1. hermit01

    Can I raise Chicks in my backgarden?

    Here in Georgia where we live, we've been experiencing summer time temperatures into the high 70s, we should be in the high 50s or so. I have seen the day time temperatures in the 70s, and three or four days later in the 30s, lower at night. Raising chicks and bunnies in brooder cages gets to...
  2. hermit01

    Can I raise Chicks in my backgarden?

    I'm in Georgia (30 miles south of Atlanta), it gets crazy cold here in the winter. I put up a tent in our small fenced garden, I built the tent frame with used 2" by 4" lumber, the tarps are the cheap ones from Harbor Freight. I built a brooder cage with a wire floor space about 2 1/2 feet x 3...
  3. hermit01

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    I have mine isolated at the moment. Is there any type of disinfectant I can use? I have two pregnant does and a new kindle, I've moved them as far apart as is safe.
  4. hermit01

    Urgent: rabbit eye bulging, tissue, discharge

    Did you find out what happened to your doe? I have two in that situation right now. One died, the other is still alive.
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