Recent content by Hobofarm

  1. H

    Dirty eggs

    Thanks everyone. I use hay in my nesting boxes and check it often to make sure it is clean, add to it, etc. All of the girls sleep on the roost at night. So, here's another question.....what is the best method for cleaning their fluffy butts? I can think of one hen that could benefit. Maybe...
  2. H

    Dirty eggs

    hi everyone! Thoughts on eggs with lots of poop on there something that I need to do? Thanks!
  3. H

    Predator took all 5 hens last night! I feel horrible!

    So sorry to hear this. :(
  4. H

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4!! 😀 From 6 hens. So excited they started laying!
  5. H

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 eggs today! 6 hens. They are just starting to lay. This is the most I've gotten in one day and I'm super excited!!!
  6. H

    Egg production tips

    Hey there. My hens are 5.5 months old. When can I expect them to start laying? I don't have my hopes up that it will happen until spring. Does anyone have tips to boost production? Am I supposed to be feeding them something special? Thanks!
  7. H

    Safe de-icer

    Yeah, we do have ash, but the area we're concerned about is direct foot traffic inside. The chickens do range all the way up to our front that is why we are concerned. Thanks for the responses!! Looks like sand may be our best bet for now. And manual labor. We did find out...
  8. H

    New member

  9. H

    New member

    No......sadly, not yet. And now that it is winter I'm guessing it won't be until springtime. Right?
  10. H

    New member

    I have 3 Plymouth barred rock, 3 golden laced wynnadette, and 1 unknown!!
  11. H

    New member

    Hello! I am a new member. Just started with baby chicks this July. I have 7 hens total and loving it so far!
  12. H

    Safe de-icer

    Can anyone recommend a de-icer that is safe to use with chickens that free range? We bought "pet safe" , but that mostly refers to dogs and cats. Want to make sure if the hens were to peck at it or eat it they would be okay. Thanks!
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