Recent content by hockeygirl56

  1. hockeygirl56

    Chronic diarrhea

    I am at a loss as to what my next step needs to be: I’ve been struggling with my chickens all summer. About 1/2 of them have been chronically thin, pale, and just crappy looking. My flock ranges from 6 months - 20 months of age. 18 hens, 2 roos. Free range and always have free choice of 17%...
  2. hockeygirl56

    Safe age to start Tylosin

    The broody has been in with everyone and has some sneezing, although not as much as some others. I’m suspecting MG since the hatchery I got my original birds from a year ago (Including broody) has had several people saying they got positive birds from there. They’ve been sneezing since I got...
  3. hockeygirl56

    Safe age to start Tylosin

    Hi! I have a flock that has started with sneezing/some respiratory sounds. I started Tylosin in their water. Problem is, I have a mom hen with 10 chicks that hatched 4 days ago. I’d like to treat mom at the same time, but I wasn’t sure if it’s safe to let the chicks drink it too. Tried...
  4. hockeygirl56

    Chicken tractor question

    That info def helped. No one has really explained it out that well to me yet, so thank you! I either have heard yes they need to be locked up, or no they don’t with no reasoning on why. It’s just hard for me to wrap my head around not securely locking a door at night. If we take the plywood off...
  5. hockeygirl56

    Chicken tractor question

    Hi everyone! I’ve been doing layers for almost 10 years, and want to get into meat birds this year. We’ve decided to use an A-frame tractor for them. I’m struggling with a few things though bc I’m so used to my layers and what works for them, and what I see for meat chickens is so different...
  6. hockeygirl56

    Lethargic chickens

    I’ve been emailing with a poultry vet from Michigan State, and he said that he’s seen issues with impaction when feeding chickens on sand. Granted I wasn’t putting their feed in the sand, but I took it away to be on the safe side.
  7. hockeygirl56

    Lethargic chickens

    I had some grit thrown in a sandbox I had in the run for dust bathing, but I was told recently not to give access to sand so I just removed that and threw grit on the ground in the run yesterday. They do free range when I’m home so majority of the time they have access to everything outside too.
  8. hockeygirl56

    Lethargic chickens

    I didn’t get pics of anything else but I didn’t feel any obstructions in her intestines at all. Her abdomen had felt fluidy and I anticipated aspirating it once she was gone, but strangely that went away after she passed. I’m guessing she had been pushing organs down due to adbominal breathing...
  9. hockeygirl56

    Lethargic chickens

    Hoping for some experience and advice here. I euthanized a 5 month old Blue Rock yesterday as it was lethargic, not eating, seemed very painful on her abdomen. Crop was empty, no egg when I palpated internally. I did a rough necropsy myself and the only abnormality I could find was a very...
  10. hockeygirl56


    I don't know if prozac would help or hurt, it's just the only thing I can think of to try before putting her down. I was hoping to find someone here that had tried it before. It works great on my cat, so I'm hopeful it may help her. I have had up to 11 chickens at once, and now have 7 so I don't...
  11. hockeygirl56


    I'm thinking I will try it as a last resort. I was just hoping to get someone on here that has used it before so I have an idea of what to do or what to expect. I have prozac for my cat that is 10 mg/ml, and I found a dose for birds like parrots that is 2-3 mg/kg once a day. I just hate to give...
  12. hockeygirl56


    She's always been the low hen on the pecking order, but it gets worse every summer. I have a saddle on her, but they're going after her head now. I have considered euthanizing her, it's just hard to do when she's physically fine. That's why I was considering prozac, since my only other option...
  13. hockeygirl56


    She is healthy. She's 5 and not laying anymore. There's not one specific chicken that starts it...the 4 that weren't original with her all go after her. I've tried locking those ones up in the past and it didn't help for long. I'd love to permanently separate them into 2 groups but my coop isn't...
  14. hockeygirl56


    I have a hen that has always been lowest in the pecking order. It has gotten worse to the point that everyone is now ganging up on her and jumping on her to peck at her. She hears anyone coming and starts freaking out and running away. I think they go after her bc she is so scared. Has anyone...
  15. hockeygirl56

    Swollen next to vent

    I have a Brahma with what looks like swelling next to her vent. Her vent itself is fine, laying eggs fine. She was bleeding from there about a month ago and I sprayed Blukote on it. Figured it's from being pecked bc its bald also. It still seems more swollen than the other side to me, and is...
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