
Stay at home mom and mini farmer/home steader. I love my flock. I have chickens,ducks,a turkey, California rabbits , 2 pitbull kids,4 sons ,and an amazing husband who deals with all my animals like he was a born farmer. I'm also a gardener (flowers and vegetables ). My summers are incredibly busy between the garden, animals,and children.

I grew up on a huge farm with all kinds of animals which is how I ended up here after 13 years in town I needed to return to my roots. Can't say I've ever been happier!
I've always lurked on this site for years, but just finally signed up. Love all the great people here let alone the great advice! Thanks for having me
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Ducks and chickens
Stay at home mom / farmer



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    Anniversary: 1 Year

    Wow, it's been a year already!?! CONGRATS!!
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    Anniversary: 1 Week

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