Recent content by homeschoolin momma

  1. homeschoolin momma


    My feed bill has gone WAY down with the cicadas! I'm inundated with them right now. I can't open/close or push/pull anything without a dozen being on whatever it is I'm using.
  2. homeschoolin momma


    More than likely a great one. All mine have been very good mothers.
  3. homeschoolin momma


    @Faraday40 yes, she lived and is laying eggs. No chickens were harmed. My neighbor behind me (with the wood fence) snapped thus picture tonight.
  4. homeschoolin momma

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    Wow, I'm closer than I thought I would be...
  5. homeschoolin momma

    Ended Guess When BYC Will Reach 500,000 Members!

    I guess I'll take 3/7/24 at 11am (even though I think it will be later )
  6. homeschoolin momma


    And what was the hatch rate of the over shipped eggs?
  7. homeschoolin momma


    Mine too have been poking out of the ground. I fear for a very bland spring this year.
  8. homeschoolin momma

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Bingo

    I homeschooled my boys for 9 years. Homeschooled kids are beyond smart.
  9. homeschoolin momma

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Bingo

    Those are the games at carnivals you pay big $$$ to lose at to try to win a huge stuffed animal.
  10. homeschoolin momma

    Ended Official BYC 2023 Summer Fair Contest—Bingo

    I've had these 4 since the first 5 calls and then NOTHING!
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