Recent content by Homesteader Julie

  1. Homesteader Julie

    Sexing 2.5 month chicks

    Would be great news!
  2. Homesteader Julie

    When to move outside? (Central Texas)

    In my personal experience, mine went outside at this age or just before with no heat lamp at night this last March. I introduced them to their own pen and sleeping quarters for a week or two and have supervised free range. Then I left the pen open for free range after the first week or 2. It was...
  3. Homesteader Julie

    Sexing 2.5 month chicks

    My biology classes hatched 7 eggs on Feb 24. I had an F1 Oliver Egger roo (BCM x EE) at the time covering 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 1 RIR x BO cross, a Black Sex Link, and a BCM hen. Cinnamon- Grey barred seems like to act like a roo, but had a yellow comb for a long time. Nutmeg-...
  4. Homesteader Julie

    When to process young roosters

    I know technically you can process them whenever you want, but I have a lot of young roosters that will eventually be processed. They currently are 3mo-2mo. I don’t think I can wait until sexual maturity on these birds because they are already starting to raise a commotion in the flock. What is...
  5. Homesteader Julie

    Sick Hen with lots of water

    She spent the night in a dog crate and we woke up to a putrid smell in the house coming from her direction. Her crop is still full of water and puffy, but softish. When I grabbed her to check her, I realized she was the source of this unique smell that I cannot describe. It was the “sauerkraut”...
  6. Homesteader Julie

    Sick Hen with lots of water

    I say “lots of water” because I noticed she was sick and standing next to the waterer. So I picked her up to inspect her but found nothing. I then heard a whooshing and gurgling sound as I moved her to the coop pen and then her croop emptied a TON of water. She shook her head, spewed more water...
  7. Homesteader Julie

    I lost my first today. Had to cull a baby.

    I lost my first today. Had to cull a baby.
  8. Homesteader Julie

    Yolk not fully absorbed?

    I culled mine. It was in really bad shape with more and more coming out with it getting more vocal and active. Eventually it opened up the sac and yolk was running out, which is sticky and it got stuck in it. Just awful. Chick was very active and wanted to live. Such a shame these things happen...
  9. Homesteader Julie

    Yolk not fully absorbed?

    I wanted to ask how your chicks are. I had one of my 5 push part of its absorbed yolk back out when it was dragging a bit of egg still attached to umbilical. It got worse with it peeping and upset it was by itself in the bator but I had to take out its siblings because they were pecking at it...
  10. Homesteader Julie

    A chick in my new hatch has an unabsorbed yolk so now I’m worried, worried, worried.

    A chick in my new hatch has an unabsorbed yolk so now I’m worried, worried, worried.
  11. Homesteader Julie

    Comment by 'Homesteader Julie' in media '8'

    I love how you converted your run! We have the same one from TSC and I’ve been wanting to put it up high on blocks for added height and then halfway close it in too. And I like you added your own metal roof all the way across. I’m totally doing this when I’m off in the summer.
  12. Homesteader Julie

    New Member Julie

    Thanks, everyone!
  13. 52BAC1D1-285A-4B33-836A-332DF348E21E


    Chicken watercolor. BCM.
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