Recent content by HomesteaderWife

  1. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    Updating since another post popped up to say our hen is doing excellent - 100% normal self full of life and enjoying scratching and dust baths just like she should. :)
  2. HomesteaderWife

    Wow, I apparently received a new "trophy" to celebrate now being a member here for 9 years on...

    Wow, I apparently received a new "trophy" to celebrate now being a member here for 9 years on April 24th, amazing. I can't believe it has been so long!
  3. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Isn't that a treat! How long has your bunny been visiting?
  4. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Entry #4: Beautiful Hawk Looking for a Meal I think this is a Red-Shouldered but if anyone knows please do help me out. I only know how to identify the call. I spotted this beautiful hawk perched and watching nearby birds and squirrels and was glad I had my camera.
  5. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Entry #3: Baby Bunny Junior-Otter (AKA "BBJ-Otter" or "Otter") Last Spring a beautiful wild baby Cottontail began to visit near the chicken pen. We ended up making good friends, and though we haven't seen one another in awhile, I hope Otter is starting a family this year! I named it Baby Bunny...
  6. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Entry #2: Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird A beautiful adult female Ruby-throated Hummingbird in for a drink
  7. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Entry #1: Puddin' the wild baby squirrel This little Eastern Gray Squirrel started coming to the feeders awhile back with its sibling, and if I sit out there Puddin' will actually approach. I had to submit a photo of my buddy! This sweetheart helped me come to not get as fussy about the...
  8. HomesteaderWife

    Open Contest Wildlife Photo Contest

    Reminding myself to enter!
  9. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    Hi all here is the update on our little girl. So I had considered a sling, but I actually just walked with her and held her up lightly as we walked and did it a few times a day. I learned if I carried her with her facing me instead of away from me, she'd kick her legs a little and so we also did...
  10. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    Just wanted to update on how our hen is doing now. We changed food to be safe and finally the nutri-drench made it in after getting held up in shipping. She can now stand and somewhat walk but she walks sideways with her head held the opposite way and she still stumbles. If she is facing away...
  11. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    @MolMas not as of yet I must apologize. She is doing well and eating and drinking otherwise which is positive, though she needs help (I have to check on her very frequently and help her by offering her the water dish and food dish.)
  12. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    I have not tried the chair. Today she is still doing well healthy alert other than not being able to stand and balance issues. We ordered her vitamins on the 16th but seems to be lost in another state as of yesterday had label scan issues. I will have to go tomorrow or saturday over to the next...
  13. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    She's on 17 layer with scratch and sunflower seeds added, sorry for not updating that. I have ordered some nutri-drench that will come in as soon as possible since stores around here do not have any unfortunately. Her legs and feet are in good shape, no injuries or swelling. She hasn't been...
  14. HomesteaderWife

    The Hummingbird Haven

    @Whiskybear I am so sorry to hear that, but I hope you are able to still visit and enjoy one anothers company. Maybe you will be able to take some photos and videos of the hummingbirds to show her! Let us know if you need any info on making nectar or attracting them to the feeder- best of luck
  15. HomesteaderWife

    Sudden Balance Issues/Cannot Stand in Hen

    Hello all, I hope maybe my thread will be descriptive enough to possibly point in the right direction of what may be happening. We have a little hen who is about to be 7 years old, bantam in size. No longer lays eggs for us but just a sweet and friendly pet. I noticed a few days ago she seemed...
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