Honeybunny_3's latest activity

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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    I think that is what I'm going to do. Everything I have seen one is not quality built. Thank you so much. Happy Easter 🐣!
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to janiedoe's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Consider a large dog kennel with chain link. Just cover the whole thing in hardware cloth, top to bottom and frame the door in so there...
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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    I totally understand and Thank you so much! Happy Easter 🐣!
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to Maddcatter's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Hey, sorry. Most of the time I'm eon the BYC app on my phone, and I am not smart enough to figure out how to link things that way. (Or...
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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    This is wonderful info. Thank you so much! What do you mean by "yard waste?" Do I need to roto till the area around the ponds first...
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to RUNuts's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Poop stinks. Poop on the ground stinks. I started with hard packed clay soil and the poop stank. I brought in shredded yard waste...
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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    Where is the article on the hoop house on this site, please? I can't find it.
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to Maddcatter's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    My joy is boundless, I assure you... Honestly most of the time, I'm pretty stoked that the panhandle keeps me on my toes.... *most* of...
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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    Nice to meet you too. I'm in Bulverde Texas, the beautiful, but hot as he-l hill country, lol.
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to The Ranch Girl's post in the thread Texas with Love Love.
    I’m in East Texas! Near Center Texas. We live on a huge ranch in the middle of nowhere! Nice to meet some fellow Texans!
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    Honeybunny_3 replied to the thread Texas.
    Thank you Maddcatter! You are right about TSC. I spent 3 hours reading reviews and didn't like what I read. Today my daughter was on...
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to Maddcatter's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    I'd suggest getting one of those pre-built sheds from lowes or home depot before getting a habitat from tsc. All the reviews on them say...
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to RUNuts's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Tin doesn't kill but the heat does. If you have adequate ventilation and a large enough coop, you can do it. Ventilation is the key...
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to NagemTX's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Lol, my chickens ate all my banana plants. To people who say you can't kill them just chop down to the ground and let the chickens do...
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    Honeybunny_3 reacted to RUNuts's post in the thread Texas with Like Like.
    Were the red banana plants established? My chickens will eat all the leaves on the bananas until they are 3' tall. My bananas are...
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